EB Mafia

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I've been making some notes and thinking about getting something together. With prohibition era mobsters and whatnot. Depending how things start off in the new year at work, that will determine if I can start writing stuff. This seems dangerous though, because I've dm'd before and I think I could spend way too much time on this lol

Folks are still enjoying the holiday break. I believe the next round is being prepared for next week. Not sure if a MOD was picked or not.

I'm going to sit the next round out as a player, but will likely heckle y'all from the sidelines. Best of luck to all participants.

I have a idea for a space colony theme. But I kinda want to do the writing in advance because (1) I want to make sure it works and (2) I don't want to not be able to get it done in time.
Nope!  If you are writing, it must be done to incorporate things that happened in the thread during the voting to keep with the theme (lol, please don't follow the way of JK, please write as much as possible beforehand so you're not up too late crying into your keyboard as you research bear attacks and head wounds).

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I'm out for a couple rounds so i can catch up from Vaca and general life. But I'll be around! 

I'm still on break and doing vacation stuff. I still need to finish the Oct 2019 Map. I'm sure others are in a similar position.

I'll mod the next game. It will be PE exam wait period themed. The fates of the eliminated players will be worse than death!

I think we have @LyceeFruit PE, @jean15paul_PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @Roarbark, @ChebyshevII PE, @_TheDude_.

Am missing anyone else? Who else is interested?

If we have enough (9+ people) then I'll send out the invites sometime mid-late morning on Monday.
