EB Mafia

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Prove it! lol

Btw, if you post a photo of your dog or cat, be sure to let me know so I can "like" it.  That got me killed (not doing it) last time.
I'd post a screenshot of my inbox but don't want to set a shitty precedence.  ahahahah.  And yes, will tag you if I post a picture of my pup.

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Not sure I can play this round.  I just received a message from NCEES saying they found out I'm a mechanical engineer and they're re-evaluating my exam after I requested a review and also seeing how much material I actually know based on some of my posts regarding practice problems.  I told them I couldn't believe I scored 40/80 and they're willing to audit my exam, so now I'm actually really waiting on results.

If I get them before Monday, I'll continue playing.  Of course, this could all be just a ruse....

There are no townies or mafia this time....only examinees and trolls lol.
Does this mean you are a troll?
