EB Mafia

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More meetings, so a little short again...Sorry!


Despite knowing they shouldn't have split up, @RBHeadge PE was feeling parched and left for only a moment to fill up the water bottle they carried with them everywhere.  Costuming found them, due to needing them to be fitted for their ballgown (fish-person sized, special order, very expensive), and the girl who did was upset because now they needed to send the gown back.  Unnecessary customs fees and they'd barely make it out even when they returned it.

@RBHeadge PE's face had been slammed into the drinking fountain spout and blobs of thickened blood slowly made their way to the drain with the help of the sputtering bubbler.  Their cheek bulged obscenely as they hung semi-suspended from that point and their fingertips barely grazed the surrounding flooring.  A few teeth had been jostled out, leaving pale gums looking oddly bereft.  The gaping voids where enamel and hardened calcium once were traced with the bright red, thread-like, nerves that had been pulled past their original length.  

Most people were upset that the only working water fountain that gave cold water was now out of commission.  

@RBHeadge PE was killed by the mafia last night.

The remaining players are:

@jean15paul_PE@blybrook PE@Roarbark@txjennah PE@vhab49_PE, and @MadamPirate

txj would be my next suspect just sayinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i have nothing solid to go on. but i've suspected her so often just like nikr it could totally just be prejudice (SUBCONSCIOUS PREJUDICE OKAY)

txj would be my next suspect just sayinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i have nothing solid to go on. but i've suspected her so often just like nikr it could totally just be prejudice (SUBCONSCIOUS PREJUDICE OKAY)
You suspect me every game!  I was mafia last time.  Those would be some crappy odds to get pulled as Mafia again with 18 players.  AND I voted off two Mafia members already, thank you very much.

txj would be my next suspect just sayinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i have nothing solid to go on. but i've suspected her so often just like nikr it could totally just be prejudice (SUBCONSCIOUS PREJUDICE OKAY)
Y'all just lost your battleship @RBHeadge PE.

"This situation is out of control.  It's out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it!"


You suspect me every game!  I was mafia last time.  Those would be some crappy odds to get pulled as Mafia again with 18 players.  AND I voted off two Mafia members already, thank you very much.
are you counting spickett though? because everybody, including spickett voted spickett off so that doesn't really prove anythinggggggggggggggggga

are you counting spickett though? because everybody, including spickett voted spickett off so that doesn't really prove anythinggggggggggggggggga
Yes, I'm counting spickett. We've only had two mafia members killed off to my knowledge.  I originally voted for roar, but swayed my vote after reading RB's analysis and seeing what everyone else was doing.  

Is anyone really surprised about that. You come out with the only hard statements and you put a big target on yourself.
Are you talking about me or @RBHeadge PE?  I was talking about @RBHeadge PE.  I agree he showed he knew too much but in the end hopefully he gave out enough info to save the town before sacrificing himself.

I was just a newbie who simply talked too much and voted too early lol.

You suspect me every game!  I was mafia last time.  Those would be some crappy odds to get pulled as Mafia again with 18 players.  AND I voted off two Mafia members already, thank you very much.
Well, I was the cop for like 7 rounds of the 11 I played.

Are you talking about me or @RBHeadge PE?  I was talking about @RBHeadge PE.  I agree he showed he knew too much but in the end hopefully he gave out enough info to save the town before sacrificing himself.

I was just a newbie who simply talked too much and voted too early lol.
I think that was my downfall as well. Talked too much and made myself a known target.

As someone who knows all the roles, but knows none of the 'out of thread' convos going on:

