EB Mafia

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Whaaaat, on an emulator, or are you firing up an N64? Or did they come out with a "remastered" version, or some nonsense? 
Lol, Youtube.  I like watching longplays where people just...play without talking.  Heavy nostalgia of when I used to watch my brother playing when I was little.

If I really wanted to play it?  I could fire up the old gamecube and pull out the version for that.

Simple write-up tonight because, well, @Spickett gave themselves up.


When @chart94 was discovered, their front covered in a sticky, clotted mess and a dead phone clutched in one hand, everyone knew that finding at least one of the killers was more important than attempting to woo @Will.I.Am PE (allegedly).  They just needed to get everyone on the same page.

“I mean, I haven’t been killed yet.  I think you’re just being dramatic,” @Spickett said, leaning forward so they could plump their eyelashes ever so slightly with a pointer finger.  “I get why you’re all concerned but if it doesn’t affect me, why should I rock the boat? Plus, this means we don’t have to do as many rounds as we signed for.”  They leaned back and checked the angle of their chest in the crop top, pulling and smoothing things out before turning to the group.

“Ugh, fine,” they said, when @RBHeadge PE frowned at them in fish,  “I’ll help, I’ll help. But if we’re going to find this killer, who is ultra sneaky, if I do say so myself, we’re going to have to split up to cover more ground.  I’ll go with @RBHeadge PE, since they seem more analytical than the rest of you and could probably find their way out a paper bag.”

They began to clomp over to the door, unused to wearing heels but soldiering through because it made their ass look fantastic, but @Spickett stopped when they didn’t hear anyone following them.  “Hellllllo, we need to get started sooner rather than later if we’re going to do this. They seem to kill one of if we’re left alone, so we’ll start traveling in pairs and should be able to find them.”

“This is the start to every single bad horror film I’ve ever seen,” said @jean15paul_PE, “Does, does nobody else believe what @Spickett is saying?  Splitting us up will be easier to “cover more ground”. What do you think we are? Twelve?”

“I-I mean, it’s only logical,” they stuttered, “By covering more ground we can find the killers quickly.”

“Who said there were killers, plural?  How do you know?” Piped up an unknown voice in the crowd.

@Spickett’s spray tan began to smudge as moisture accumulated along their hairline.  “I...it just makes sense?” They asked, hand on the doorknob in a white-knuckled grip and preparing for the worse.

Which @Will.I.Am PE knew nothing of when they banged into the room, door edge slamming into the side of @Spickett and throwing them off balance.  A single sheet of paper floated to the ground with at least two of the names of people who had ‘mysteriously expired due to items detailed in the contract, totally not the fault of the filming company’.

Nobody was surprised.

@Spickett, collapsed on a floor with a broken nose, sulkily lifted their arms where their wrists were pressed together.  “It was fun while it lasted, eh?” They threw a wink at @Will.I.Am PE, who was still completely confused by everything that had happened so far.

@Spickett was mafia

The remaining players are:

@jean15paul_PE, @blybrook PE, @Roarbark, @txjennah PE, @RBHeadge PE, @vhab49_PE, and @MadamPirate

The final vote was:

8 @Spickett
