EB Mafia

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Going to be a little late today writing up anything. Woke up feeling like crap and I think I might be catching something a coworker had (cough/headache) and I have family visiting this weekend/I’m traveling home so this really can’t happen. 

So you all can continue voting/speculating: @tj_PE was killed by the mafia in the middle of the night. 

Going to be a little late today writing up anything. Woke up feeling like crap and I think I might be catching something a coworker had (cough/headache) and I have family visiting this weekend/I’m traveling home so this really can’t happen. 

So you all can continue voting/speculating: @tj_PE was killed by the mafia in the middle of the night. 
Oh no! I hope you feel better @JayKay PE  :(

Fell better @JayKay PE

I explained my reasoning to vote for Audi. What was your reasoning @tj_PE, @RBHeadge PE, and @MadamPirate?
My rationale was implied above.

There has been a lack of information the last two votes. I thought it was more appropriate to remove an inactive player (who didn't want to play) from the game than to, randomly vote out a potential townie ally who actually wants to play.

I learned my lesson from Thursday night.

The competition was slowly turning into what one would kindly call a shit show but what most Americans would call ‘prime-time television’.  The accusations started out as standard cattiness, saying one competitor’s hair was a weave or that the other had veneers, but it soon turned dirty with the like of butt implant smack talk and sneering at thigh-fat lip injections as makeup was being touched up.  There was even mention of the unmentionable (a divorce from a, then unknown, first cousin), but that accuser was quickly hissed into silence.  

“This is fucking ridiculous,” sneered @Audi driver, P.E. when another round of bickering began on the specific shade of brown one of the contender's had dyed their hair, “You keep bickering about dating this small fry even as we get eliminated.”  They ignored the lopsided glare shot at them by @NikR_PE, who had only one set of false eyelashes applied. “Nobody thinks this is weird the amount of people dying during a televised dating competition?”

@Audi driver, P.E. sighed in frustration at the blank cow-eyes sent their way.  “None of you have noticed that people are actually dead at the end of the day?  Put your hand down,” they snapped at the lone hand that had raised, “You’re all idiots.  Like sheep getting ready to be turned into a pair of UGGs.

“Yes, yes, we all love UGGs,” they said, cutting off the cries of joy of the Australian footwear, “But that’s getting away from the point I was making that some people in this competition seem to know more than others.  The directors knew shit, he barely knew the script, but the announcer...the announcer seemed to know who was who. They actually knew the questions and seemed to have pre-printed-”

@Audi driver, P.E. stopped when they noticed the furrowed expression on @tj_PE’s face, “What?  What’s wrong now? Did you have dairy or something?”

“...so, you’ve been cheating?”  Asked @tj_PE, “Collecting all this info, I mean, I’d think you were cheating.  That sounds like cheating, right?”

A few faces nodded along with a few murmurs of “I thought everyone was cheating?” and “Wait, that isn’t part of the game?”.

“That’s not the point!  The point is that someone is killing us!  I don’t know about all youse guys, but I want to get out of this alive!  Preferably with all my limbs!”

“I guess, but you were cheating.  We’ve all established that.” @RBHeadge PE said, now ignoring @Audi driver, P.E. to address the room at large.  The contestants were avidly nodding in agreement while the makeup crew internally moaned at what they knew was going to happen next.

@Audi driver, P.E. was able to dodge the first assault made from behind, twisting away from the hair dryer cord that had become looped around their neck.  They were even able to  dodge the swipe someone made at their legs using a pair of gladiator heels that had been tied together.

Unfortunately, they were unable to dodge the bottle of OPI nail polish held firmly in someone’s fist, turning at the last moment to avoid the hard glass going into their eyes or slashing across their eyes, but the thick shards were then ground deep into their temple as their attacker’s other hand jerked up to stop their skull from moving.

Stunned by the sudden blow to the head, @Audi driver, P.E. was then unprepared for the talons that jerked at every handhold on their person: clothes, hair, even earrings were used as a (temporary) hold as they were pushed and pulled towards the ground.  They continued to struggle, twitching a grimace when a gold hoop was ripped from their ear cartilage, cracking a few surgically altered noses before a different hair-care item was used to secure their hands tightly behind their backs.

“You have to believe me!” They reasoned, unable to see what was now going behind themselves as their face was shoved into the well-trod, musty-smelling, carpeting of the trailer, “Something is going on here!  Something is wr-”

@Audi driver, P.E. was cut off when the large stylist chair was dropped unceremoniously on their upper body, a dull pop occurring as the base landed.  The chair wobbled when @Audi driver, P.E.’s body gave one last violent shudder before it settled precariously in a semi-level position.

For a moment, at least half of them thought about tilting the chair a little further to see what it looked like.  To see if a human skull actually did look like an overripe watermelon that had split along its seam, or if the chair crushing was more like when a pomegranate was ripped open for deseeding.  Before anyone was able to act on the urge, the bell rang outside the trailer for the start of the next section of the show.  So they all dutifully tromped out, much like the sheep they had been alluded to.

“Hey guys,” @Will.I.Am PE said when the remaining 11, left the trailer, “Don’t you think it’s weird that everyone is dying on this dating show?  I mean, I can’t be the only person who noticed that?” 

@Audi driver, P.E.was a normal townsperson/contestant

The remaining players are: 

@jean15paul_PE, @blybrook PE, @Roarbark, @chart94, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @NikR_PE, @Spickett, @RBHeadge PE, @vhab49_PE, and @MadamPirate

The final vote was:

4 @Audi driver, P.E.

2 @MadamPirate

1 @tj_PE

1 @chart94

1 @blybrook PE
ARGH GUYS WHY DID YOU SWITCH TO @Audi driver, P.E. WHEN I SAID VOTE FOR @Spickett!?!?! Or @Roarbark, but MAINLY @Spickett!!!

so are exploding circuit breakers & transformers - entergy had one of their 500kV transformers go about this time last year or the year before and the smoke was seen for miles and miles and miles across houston (they've apparently had a couple of transformers go in the last few years. new ones even) 
Check out this video where safety engineers use high-speed cameras to capture arc flash explosions! It's wild.

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o hey. so i'm up and trying to type this through coughs. Just made a huge thing of lipton noodle soup (aka: magic JK cold/flu curing .liquid) and I'm attempting to hoark down some ritz.  I am not hungry but know liquids are key!!

Going to try and write narrative for tj, but here is a current vote update:

1 @NikR_PE (roar)

1 @Spickett (nik)
