EB Mafia

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Let's try this one:

I'll take the woodchipper instead methinks 

Shots fired. Let the finger pointing begin!!!

On a side note, how are you going t accuse a fellow volunteer. I thought we were allies by association.
Hmm good question.  It's early and it's only one vote.  I don't want to arouse suspicion by allying with anyone...yet.

Also just because you're in Knoxville doesn't mean you're a volunteer.  We have a Bama fan in our office.  You should have PM'd me. Or is that against the rules?  I'll have to go back and read the rules lol.

Also the last "Volunteer" I chatted with on here never responded and seemed clueless earlier this fall when I said, "We better beat Chattanooga." 

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Also the last "Volunteer" I chatted with on here never responded and seemed clueless earlier this fall when I said, "We better beat Chattanooga." 
That was me, I was in the middle of freaking out cause I couldn't figure out a simple math problem. 

Thanks.  Can you change your vote once it's submitted or no?

Not that I want to (but maybe I do), just trying to avoid suspicion (or not).
Almost all of my votes come with a disclaimer.  

Like so:

@JayKay PE I'd like to vote for @NikR_PE, because I did the very first vote I ever voted, and since I took a few rounds off it's like I am a newb again.

Vote subject to change pending further investigation.

Also, am delighted to be just a townie.  Oddly refreshing in fact.
