EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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There’s a reason the original rules for this game stated “please follow EB’s forum rules.”

Also @txjennah PE if I played a part in offending you I apologize. I try hard not to offend but I sometimes do so unintentionally.
Agreed!! I hope no one got offended by any of the story telling or anything! I am trying to keep it light and humorous. I apologize to any one that may have been! 

Well the remaining members of the town arrived late to @Audi driver, P.E. house. They discovered @RBHeadge PE dead body and decided this ended tonight. @NikR_PE, @tj_PE, @blybrook PE, @jean15paul_PE and @Roarbark started to debate. @jean15paul_PE accused @NikR_PE who vehemently denied being the one to murder @RBHeadge PE. @Roarbark was spooning around in a corner drunk off his rum and @blybrook PE sat there accusing @Roarbark of stealing his rum which @roarbark denied while pouring another drink. Stay on top I screamed @jean15paul_PE this ends!! Fine a drunken @Roarbarkproclaims I say @NikR_PE.same said @blybrook and the rest agreed. They took the candy canes out of @rbheadgepe body and cornerd @nikr he proclaimed before he died, I will take over the world pinky!!!! 
The sharpened candy canes claimed another victim. 

@nikr_PE was lynched. He was mafia. The town won.
