EB Mafia

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After the current lynching, the town was in shambles. It was the first time, they weren't correct.  @Audi driver, P.E. was busy neglecting his daughter @JayKay PE when he heard a frantic knock at his door. He opened it up and what his wondering eyes should appear, but the tax collector at the wrong time of year. @squaretaper PE begged him to let him in, he believed the grinch was following him. ( @squaretaper PE liked to mix pills, it led to some pretty wild shit)  Alright, @Audi driver, P.E. relented, but make sure you park that tenement on wheels elsewhere. I dont want the neighbors getting the wrong idea. Specially since @ChaosMuppetPE started building snowmen  in the front yard depicting them as getting stabbed, hit by cars, getting mugged, their heads cut off.. Man that kid has issues...

@squaretaper PE sat down at the table with the greaseballs and enjoyed a wonderful home-cooked meal of KFC chicken and pizza hut. (You could say it was Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut, a pizza hut.)

@Audi driver, P.E. retrieved to the den with @squaretaper PE who was still tweaking a bit thinking elves were running around stealing socks...  @Audi driver, P.E. handed him a glass of eggnog (man this town is obsessed) in a moose shaped glass. As they were sipping their eggnog, a crash was heard thru the upstairs window. @Audi driver, P.E. grabbed his trusty baseball bat never forgetting colleens dying words, "swing away." ( yeah if you can tell me what THATS from you get an immunity spatula.) He pushed @JayKay PE ahead of him on the stairs, telling her to be brave and go first he will cover her. @JayKay PE gave him the blank stare that only a teenage girl could, that almost pierced his soul. Fine ya big baby he said, @ChaosMuppetPE get up there. No f'ing way @ChaosMuppetPE retorted. I got a date with a snow-women, (man that kid is weird) and i dont wanna be dead. @squaretaper PE popped a few purple pills (bonus spatula for this reference) , took the bat from @Audi driver, P.E. and walked up the stairs slowly into the darkness. (none of the idiots thought to turn on the lights) 

A shriek is belted out 10 seconds later, followed by @squaretaper PE jumping of the banister down into the living room luckily landing on the couch. @Audi driver, P.E. looked dazed and confused. What is it?! he screams to @squaretaper PE ITS THE THE THE  GRINCH!!! in the distance a car can be heard honking its horn and smashing into a light pool, the record player lets out a scratch as the music stops, a faint echo could be heard of "THE GRINCH". @Audi driver, P.E. had enough of this nonsense, he walked up stairs, finally turning on a light, and belts out a scream. it was @RBHeadge PE dead body. He had been rolled around in nuclear waste (I guess that dyes skin green, don't ask questions) and covered in fur. A pseudo tar and feathering. Unfortunately for @RBHeadge PE, this did not kill him right away. And double unfortunate for @Audi driver, P.E. because he had to see it and couldn't get the image out of his head. Jammed into his eyes, ears, nose, and one finally one jammed in another place that cannot be mentioned as it is so horrifically painful for any male to think about, it would be irresponsible to even allude to it, were sharpened candy canes. The mafia had enough of his crap, they served their own form of justice utilizing the same thing that killed their bfffff and not only that, but their pre-fiance (they had a fling in Cancun once) . 

@RBHeadge PE was caned by the mafia last night. 

@Audi driver, P.E. grabbed his trusty baseball bat never forgetting colleens dying words, "swing away." ( yeah if you can tell me what THATS from you get an immunity spatula.)

What a way to go!

We're down to the wire here folks.  Time to get the mafia clobbered outta town once and for all...

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