EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Okay.  These are the people I have (tentatively) for next week: @tj_PE, @leggo PE, @jean15paul_PE, @blybrook PE, @chart94, @NikR (AND TOTALLY @Audi driver, P.E., WHO WILL DEF NOT BE MAFIA WITH A MELON SCOOPER WHO WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THE $50K PRIZE AND THE CRYSTAL CAKE STAND)

People who said they can't play: @ChebyshevII PE, @vhab49_PE, @RBHeadge PE

Feel free to correct me if your status changed (this was based on comments on Monday, so maybe next week is looking better/worse)

ANYONE ELSE WANT TO PLAY (feel free to @ others I missed)??? @txjennah PE, @Roarbark, @ChaosMuppetPE, @civilrobot, @Will.I.Am, @LyceeFruit, @Supe, @Ranger1316, @MadamPirate, @squaretaper PE

Roles will be going out over the weekend, probably Saturday morning.  Actual game will 'start' Monday 6am.  I will not be taking any voting over the weekend.

Special JK-Mod round theme: Cooking Competition

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lemme find the rules - but first how active do I need to be? I'm at a conference Thursday-Saturday next week 

lemme find the rules - but first how active do I need to be? I'm at a conference Thursday-Saturday next week 
You can be as active/inactive as you want.  You can come in, check, and vote, and that could be it.  You could make secret alliances, PM people, talk to people on other media, get a tack-board filled with photos and printed-out forum posts, in an attempt to find out everyone's role.  Whole range.
