EB Mafia

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Now you all are making it too hard on someone like me who probably checks in couple times a day and looks for that spreadsheet. 😅

Thanks for modding @Dothracki PE
Is there a way to pin the previous day's voting record at the top of the thread? That wouldn't count as the mod sharing a spreadsheet, it's just keeping one of their posts saying who got lynched and how many votes that person got available for quick reference.
Thanks for missing @Dothracki PE . I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the writing.

I will say, I don't think the Hunter ghost mechanic was balanced correctly. You were worried about them giving too large of an advantage to the town, but they really helped out the mafia. They gave us 2 extra townie kills.

Maybe it would have been different if the cop lived longer.
The chance of a ghost kill should be proportional to the amount of ghosts relative to the original amount of townies. So early in the game the chance is pretty small, but later in the round the chances are higher.
Unfortunately the mod did it anyway... seems out of scope of the mod's job IMO. <sideeye> @Dothracki PE
In the mafia tournament the website itself kept track of all of the information automatically. I don't think its inherently biased for the mod to do it. Besides there are at least a couple others that do it routinely for themselves anyway.
Yeah I agree. Not saying I'm right. But worth a discussion.
Curious what @RBHeadge PE thinks about this.
See reply above.

Context matters. If an impartial person displays it, or in @DuranDuran PE 's case, he always shows it then it isn't an issue. Its just a tool that anyone can use.

But if, for example, I post voting history, its because I'm trying to get people to see what I'm seeing and vote accordingly. I don't post history unless I'm trying to make a point so for me to do it an a dead character would be biased.
Everyone makes good point.
I definitely don't think we should ban it.

I kind of agree with whoever said the mod should be involved as little as possible.

I don't think sharing the spreadsheet is biased toward the town or toward the maf. But it does balance the playing field between active players and less active players. Sometime especially when I'm maf, I hope to exploit some players inactivity. But that's not necessarily fair I guess. :)
For whatever it's worth, I've always kept a spreadsheet when I mod, but I don't think I've shared it.
But if I'm not mod I would share it... but I don't usually keep it because other people do.
Sometime especially when I'm maf, I hope to exploit some players inactivity. But that's not necessarily fair I guess. :)
I think that's just being competitive and you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. I think if someone is inactive, it doesn't matter if you post voting history or not; they're going to ignore it anyway.