Day 1/Night 1:
The Zerglings charged up toward the bunkers in groups of 5. "Easy meat," remarked
@djl PE. "The Zerg are used to overpowering civilizations with mass numbers, so they never bothered developing battlefield tactics. Only when assimilating another group do they learn something new." The waves kept coming though, and the team was getting worn down. "This isn't right," said Commander
@chart94 . "This is the what, 8th, 9th wave? We didn't see half this many coming from the field. They're reproducing en masse, which means they have a queen nearby." He paused for a moment. "New tactics everyone! We need to conserve strength and ammo. All marines, set your rifles to burst-fire. Focus on their armor, but just enough to keep them pissed off. Let them come up the ramps. When they get close, our firebat can mow them down in one shot with the C-140 (incinerator cannon). This will save our ammo until we find the queen." With fewer manpower needed,
@NikR_PE ,
@RBHeadge PE and
@beccabun PE snuck out of the rear bunker.
@NikR_PE sent into one of the supply depots to get more ammo while the other two went to another one to look for gas grenades.
@RBHeadge PE and
@beccabun PE raced back to the bunkers. "Where's NiK? Is he not back yet?", someone asked. "There he is!" A lone figure was making it's way toward the bunker. It was Nik's space suit, but it wasn't Nik. The figure's eyes glowed. It started to run toward the bunker. "LIVE FOR THE SWARM!", it cried.
The marines fired and Nik exploded in a mass of boiling flesh and toxic gas. Another Nik appeared, then another, and another, each one hissing at the group as he (or it) charged.
"They infested
@NikR_PE , those scumbags!", cried
@FlangeheadPEAZ . " "Lieutenant, equip gas grenades and come with me", ordered
@chart94 "We have to take out the queen now or this will be our last night here!"
@chart94 and Lt.
@txjennah PE raced outside to find the queen draped over the supply depot
@NikR_PE was in. It was still pumping out Nik clones.
@chart94 mowed them down while
@txjennah PE lobbed the gas grenades at the queen. Before the queen succumbed to the radioactive gas cloud, it spat out a spore from it's mouth, killing
@txjennah PE instantly and generating two broodlings from where her body lay. They immediately jumped on
@chart94 . Other marines arrived to help, but it was too late. Their commander was dead.
In memoriam:
@chart94 will be remembered for his valor and quick thinking. He was a member of the Sons of Korhal faction.
@txjennah PE was killed in action, before she had a chance to pilot the science vessel. She was a member of the Covert Ops faction.
Staff Sergeant
@NikR_PE was a valiant marine, but succumbed to the Zerg. He last served the Overmind with the Tiamat Brood, Zerg Swarm Command Wing.