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My mother in law was doing keto earlier this year, and I was doing the old fashined "work the fat off" method while eating a reasonable diet - low fat, balancing carbs and proteins based on workouts.

She offered me a fat bomb, and I looked at her like she had three heads.  Why on EARTH would I eat a thing called a fat bomb?  

I mean, I'll eat a candy bar, but its not called a fat bomb, even if it is one.
I’ve had fat bombs, I gave my parents the same look when they offered me one. It was interesting, to say the least.

That's kinda the whole point of the keto diet, you trick you body to use fat as it's main fuel by eating almost no carbs and low to moderate protein, but high fat. It makes fat the only available fuel, so you body adjusts to burn it. You have to make sure you eating enough fat or your body won't get into ketosis (the state where it's using fat as it's main fuel). But yall probably know all that already.

But yeah. Doing keto turns everything on it's head. The stuff you always though was bad is suddenly good for you, and the stuff you thought was good for you is suddenly bad.  :D Butter, bacon, and eggs are now some of the best things you can eat.  

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I had a nice long weekend. Productive.
• Bought a new sofa for the den (the old one was broken and worn out after 10 years of use/abuse)
• Finally fixed my washing machine myself
• Cleaned my smoker before...
• Smoked a brisket
• Had a couple fantasy football drafts
• Profit (That's a lie, it was a rather expensive weekend)
Nice. I spent a good chunk of the weekend finishing turning one of our flowerbeds into a pile of dirt; it was all weeds a couple months ago. Had to remove all the old landscape fabric and gravel. It was a lot of work.

That's kinda the whole point of the keto diet, you trick you body to use fat as it's main fuel by eating almost no carbs and low to moderate protein, but high fat. It makes fat the only available fuel, so you body adjusts to burn it. You have to make sure you eating enough fat or your body won't get into ketosis (the state where it's using fat as it's main fuel). But yall probably know all that already.

But yeah. Doing keto turns everything on it's head. The stuff you always though was bad is suddenly good for you, and the stuff you thought was good for you is suddenly bad.  :D Butter, bacon, and eggs are now some of the best things you can eat.  
Yeah, I don't think keto would work for me, but I'm also one of those weirdos who thinks you should figure out a meal plan with your doctor before going off the walls with diet (I've seen way too many do a short-term/bad diet and then crash than long-term simple changes).  I was recently on a diet that was low carb, high protein and veggies, but was more portion control than calorie driven.  Actually worked really well for me.  Some people like Weight Watchers but the whole "these foods have no points, you can eat as much as you want" would lead to me overeating and then never becoming trim.

I tried a keto-ish diet for several months a few years ago. Actually worked really well, I lost about 50 pounds in a 3-month timespan.

Then I decided I liked carbs (specifically rice and potatoes) too much. So I don’t do that anymore.

Womp womp womp.  That's where I'm leaning towards.

But it's consulting and I still have that horrible drive to be billable before I leave.
Pretty soon, your company should tap out and not be giving you stuff because they know you're leaving.

Pretty soon, your company should tap out and not be giving you stuff because they know you're leaving.
They've tapped out/I'm only working on 2 huge reports.  I'm going to ask them today if they want me to bill to the project, or if I am billing to admin to save the budget.

@Supe Unfortunately, I'm one of those stooges who is attempting to put in an effort while being billable.  It's horrible and probably the reason why I no longer like consulting/keeping getting burnt out.
