EB Mafia

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How do you know so? I thought we do not know how many mafia were there at the start of the game. And we have been only able to vote out one.
So I thought I read that there were only two mafia this time, but I can't find it anywhere. Whelp, that certainly messes with the probabilities.

If there are two mafia left, and the cop reveals two villagers tonight, then there's a 2/3 chance of offing a mobster tonight. Tomorrow it would be 3-1 villager-mafia. the next day it's 50/50 odds to win the game (see above)

If there are three mafia left, well we're already in a tie scenario and any rational strategy by the mafia would lock in a win for them.

if there were four mafia left, they already won.

I wish I was that clever. If I was mafia I voted to kill one of my people!

guys, i promise I'm not mafia. I kept backtracking because I didn't know if I was allowed to say one way or another LOL

I wish I was that clever. If I was mafia I voted to kill one of my people!
If I were affiliated with a certain group of unlicensed business professionals which perform certain less than tactful transactions, voting off one of my fellow members to throw off the coppers is exactly what I would do.

I've been in training!  What's nuts is, I want to be killed and I've made it this far and still really have no idea how this game is played.  Am I supposed to start caring about that at some point?  Please tell me the answer is "it doesn't matter at this point". 

Ok. Since it matters I'm voting for the Arby's dude.  And I assume that's a valid vote. But sorry Arbys dude. I don't know what voting for you means at this point. Do you die if I vote for you? My last vote apparently didn't kill anyone. I just want to be killed really. Hope this helps.

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I think @Roarbark and @Audi driver, P.E. have been suspiciously quiet today. make sure you tag @Audi driver, P.E. a lot because he likes it.
@tj_PE Give me a break, it's still early in the pacific ocean. Every time I log in I have to read through 2 pages of town hall records to get caught up.

@NikR I think I'm with you... tj would have to be pretty damn clever to stage that. (Not ruling it out).

But Re: RBHeadge's... "We know there is one cop and one mafia remaining." How do we know that? Insider knowledge perhaps?.... 

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