Here's an example of how vote changing becomes a signal that can be read.Nope. Vote changing is a strategy for both sides. And a careful analysis of how votes change can be quite telling. Especially looking at it a day or two in retrospect.* Maybe we should have a rule of not changing votes once voted this just makes it hard to reason anything and confuses the train of thought.
Two nights ago, @jean15paul_PE and I changed our votes at nearly the same time, from @txjennah PE to @DuranDuran. We did it right before the deadline. It should be obvious to an impartial observer that we are working together, and that we are trying to take advantage of the situation for our teams benefit.
Now that didn't succeed last night. But I went right after it again this morning and it worked tonight. We took out a mafia member.
With just those high-level pieces of information, one should be able to derive that we are townies and that we had some actionable reason to go for the kill right before the deadline.
And maybe you and the other townies should look closely at who @jean15paul_PE votes for tomorrow and what else he has to say. Because