I am inclined to believe that
@ChebyshevII PE and
@Roarbark are not mafia.
On the surface their mutual disarmament and quad tie inducing votes look like collusion. But a deeer look doesn't imply that.
If they were both mafia when they were double tied, then the probability of a mafia losing a member =1. If they set up the four-tie, then the probability drops to 1/2 - because they obviously wouldn't pick to massive tie with other mafia members.
yeah roar tossing a newb under the bus looked mafiaesque, but it was self preservation and the odds were low. Now lets extend this further, if they were both mafia, they would have shifted the vote in favor of someone who they knew was townie, making the odds 0.
Assuming rationale moves, and neglecting any galaxy-brain strategy at play, the moves they made last night are inconsistent with making moves to most efficiently add to a mafia win percentage.
Therefore I will put them in the townie++ category and discourage others from voting for them.
Outside of logic, there moves last night seem more in character with their general approach the game and not indicative of mafia behavior.