EB Mafia

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I wanted to be something cool for my first time...

View attachment 13685

After all the excitement that had occurred in the town square had subsided, the town slipped into a deep sleep. Everyone had layed down their heads feeling a little uneasy, but after a few glasses of red wine and a couple melatonins, they were able to drift off. 

as the temperature dropped cooling off the firery town,  a fog had rolled in . The moon shined brightly through the tree tops. Underneath them were the mumblings of a medical student. She was walking back from the library making the long trek home through the woods you see.

As she traversed the muddy forest bottom she couldnt help but wonder about the days events. She had lost her mentor and close friend. How is she supposed to pass her exams now?! What was she gonna do without any further training?! Was she ready to take over?! Oh if only she had a little more time maybe she could have prepared for such a thing!

Suddenly, a rustling begins in a nearby bush, she quickly loses her breath gasping.... suddenly out JUMPS A RABBIT!!! 

she breaks down in laughter.. oh its just a silly rabbit. She was still on edge, her hands shaking she pulled out her trusty bible.

Inside, she turned to page 394 and pulled out a flask, taking a huge swig of what she was hoping rum. 

A wolf howls in the distance, calling his pack to him. At this point she takes more than a swig and curses the fact that her loans are to high for her to afford even a simple donkey...

Suddenly, she cant breath... she starts clutching her neck, gasping for air, clawing at the ground, she is trying anything to get the feeling of air back in her lungs.. Alas she cannot seem to get even the slightest breeze..

As her vision starts to become blurry, the last thing she sees before dying is that rabbit, the same one that startled her and caused her to pull her trusty flask out. He stared back at her almost as if he thought she was playing around. She tries to cry out one last thing but alas only whispers... The bunny hops away as someone approaches to dispose of the body in the shadowy lagoon.

@vhab49_PE was murdered in the night. 


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