EB Mafia

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I want to vote for Mafia... who is Mafia pls so I can cast an appropriate vote.

I, humble townie, will vote for @jean15paul, oh great one mafia mod @chart94.  Not because is Mafia, but to welcome them to the fin game of Mafia... and unless everyone changes votes in the next 3 min, they won't get kilt.
I love chaotic neutral lol

It was nearing dusk and the town was all gathered in the square. Rumbles of rabbel rabbel rabbel could be heard throughout. The mayor knew why. Crime has skyrocketed in this small mountain town and something needed to be done. The mayor reluctanlty asked, already knowing the answer, what is the town rabbeling about now?! 

Mr. Mayor, they cried! something has to be done!! The mafia is running rampant! Accusations start flying, and people started to riot. The dust started to settle and the town had picked two of their own. @RBHeadge PE  and @Ranger1316 stood in the middle. Everyone was sure it was one of them!! But how to decide?

Trying to calm everyone down, the mayor proposed a solution. He asked the town what floats like wood. After a few missed guesses the town lands on a duck. 

If either weighed the same as a duck, they concluded, then they must not be mafia. The reasoning was solid, a mafia member would be full of lead they concluded therefore would sink.

@RBHeadge PE goes first, the crowd holds it breath, you could hear a needle drop. The scale begins to wobble back and forth until it settles in the middle. @RBHeadge PE breaths a heavy sigh of relief and quickly chugs a bottle of whiskey. 

@Ranger1316 is up next. He takes the bottle of whiskey from @RBHeadge PE takes a swig and sits down. The crow goes deafly silent once again. The scale wobbling back forth, suddenly, it shoots downward! 

MAFFFIIIIIIAAAAA cries out the whole town!! They quickly swarm and beat him with various items from including bats and chains, even a couple shots ring out. Justice seemed to have been served until a stethoscope falls out of @Ranger1316. The town gasped... 

