Does anyone here know the Bike Film Festival?
It’s normally an in person traveling film festival featuring short bike films, but is virtual this year, like everything else.
I hadn’t heard of it before, but Mr. Leggo discovered them and bought a ticket to stream their selection of videos curated for our location (where it is right now, as it’s still virtually traveling around).
Holy moly, let me tell you! This was the absolute BEST TWO HOURS I have spent watching my TV in recent memory (caveat: we casted from a laptop because we don’t have a smart tv, it worked perfectly). The films were not just about bikes rambling through beautiful places (which honestly, I would have been down with). As the founder who did a short intro at the start said, there were real human stories in every single film. I was awed, brought to tears, so happy, joyful, and experienced a million other awesome to feel emotions over the course of the two ish hours. So many important, engaging, intense/awesome/inspiring stories, whether true or fiction.
It was absolutely fantastic. I really would like to find more stuff to watch like this.
In case you can’t tell, I HIGHLY recommend checking the Bike Film Festival out. It was scaled to pay so you can get it for cheap or pay more, up to you!