Welp, I had my first legitimate dooring incident this morning.
I got doored into a (thankfully) stationary bus by a dude getting out of an Uber in a middle lane of traffic.
Thankfully, I'm okay (just bruised in a few places). My bike isn't totally wrecked (I, again thankfully, wasn't going that fast), but right now, my front brakes are dislodged and jamming my front wheel. I can't quite tell, but I'm hoping my wheel somehow isn't damaged and that it's just a minor fix I just don't have the right tool for right now. Got the dude's contact info and photo of driver's license, and he was very apologetic and quite nice. He helped me get my bike to my office (about a 10 minute walk, but annoying when your bike's front wheel won't roll). He offered to pay for the fixes for the bike, so we'll see what that comes to.
Overall, I'm just very glad (as I'm sure he, and the bus driver are too) that I was not seriously hurt. And in the 3_ years I've been bike commuting in the city, and with the sheer volume of ride share cars that exist in this city, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I think I had actually pretty good luck overall.
Bummed about my bike though, obviously. As soon as I knew I was okay (no broken bones, sprained anything), my concern immediately went to my bike. I just don't know enough about bikes to know whether it's a big deal or not. But it was the front part of my bike that crashed, so I'm hoping everything in the back is okay.