Dleg 2012!

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WAAASSSSSUUOOOPPP BBeeaaaathheddsss>>>!!!!!
Me an na CAPtiiinaa are ssttfiiuudyiung rly rly rly hard foi rth e coldfusion

tequila limne super basdaaass car project . ROCK AND ROLL!!! WOOOO!!

SCientissts are kewl. We are renaming the projhject Cold FUZIOn Rocker Car

and iss going to go rly rly fast.

DLEG WERE YOU BE MAN??"?! you should come check this tuff out. Scientists roick!

Almost out of tequila though, but thats cool/. Iss all kewl. kewl kewl kewl man

'Preciate the vacashun +rip and i htink wel lbe done a back in the lab for some more work at the end of the week.

ROIACK AND ROILL!!! :beerchug: :Banane35: :drunk1: :winko: :drunk:
Hall of Fame Nominee!!!!!!!!!! :appl:

Uh oh...first scandal pre-election...this girl is saying a Mr. "Chucktown" fathered her child...


We're going to need some PR to clean this up

Shhiittt, this isnt a press secretary kind of need is it?

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Don't worry guys. There aren't any news people up here, or video cameras, electricity, or running water for that matter. That's why this makes such a great place to instigate the first war. It'll be a real suprise.

I've decided to throw my full energy behind this assignment. Gotta crawl before you walk right. Happy campaigning. Damn it's cold. :wave2:

Uh oh...first scandal pre-election...this girl is saying a Mr. "Chucktown" fathered her child...

We're going to need some PR to clean this up
hmmm ok. . .how about this kind of spin

"In a genuine goodwill display, an inuit woman came to the rescue of the US's ambassador to Greenland, pulling him from a marauding band of gangraping elephant seals, saving him from certain death. In reciprocation and following local customs, she was allowed to 'pass' the night with the ailing ambassador. A local wedding following tribal custom is expected."

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Uh oh...first scandal pre-election...this girl is saying a Mr. "Chucktown" fathered her child...

We're going to need some PR to clean this up
One less potential applicant in my task of finding adult talent... I think with the upcoming college football season I will attending as many homecoming events as I can handle to drum up some new 'talent'!

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.... and that might as well be me!!!

hmmm ok. . .how about this kind of spin
"In a genuine goodwill display, an inuit woman came to the rescue of the US's ambassador to Greenland, pulling him from a marauding band of gangraping elephant seals, saving him from certain death. In reciprocation and following local customs, she was allowed to 'pass' the night with the ailing ambassador. A local wedding following tribal custom is expected."
Whoa! That there is some professional BS!

hmmm ok. . .how about this kind of spin
"In a genuine goodwill display, an inuit woman came to the rescue of the US's ambassador to Greenland, pulling him from a marauding band of gangraping elephant seals, saving him from certain death. In reciprocation and following local customs, she was allowed to 'pass' the night with the ailing ambassador. A local wedding following tribal custom is expected."

I'm a "Cultural Attache'", not a US ambassador. But I don't know how it got assumed that I had "relations" with an Inuit woman. If she's already claiming that I'm the father then she's just trying to extort money from the campaign. I was just taking some of the local government officials out for a friendly drink. I was totally above board with my conduct and I would never cheat on my wife. You really don't have anything to worry about here. I'm representing the administration well. em, I appreciate the efforts but it looks like some of our cabinet officials may be heading down to Florida to "take care of business" if you know what I mean. You may want to start working on that press release.

Chucktown, I had to pull my rank, but they finally let me have a look at the stash of alien weaponry stored at Area 51. I pulled out a nice human-exploder ray for you to get started on your one-man war against Greenland.

Please make sure you only explode those who deserve exploding.

Let me know when you need backup. I've got a "special" team standing by on some nearby Navel vessels, ready for immediate deployment.


Sweet. It's cold up here (have I mentioned that yet) and those exploder rays will probably provide some heat. No backup needed. After I'm done here can I go wreck some **** in Siberia? That'll be a good start for our war with Russia. They're already without power with that whole dam accident.

Whoa! That there is some professional BS!

I'm a "Cultural Attache'", not a US ambassador.
Isnt that like wanting to be a cabana boy over a lifeguard?


em, I appreciate the efforts but it looks like some of our cabinet officials may be heading down to Florida to "take care of business" if you know what I mean. You may want to start working on that press release.
just doing my thing, TCB. . .yeah i actually have no idea what you talkin bout, but i got this Mars mission thing goin on too. Whats going on in FLA then? Remember, try not to talk (at all), the Dleg administration cant afford too much more wacky scandals (yeah it can but anyways)

just doing my thing, TCB. . .yeah i actually have no idea what you talkin bout, but i got this Mars mission thing goin on too. Whats going on in FLA then? Remember, try not to talk (at all), the Dleg administration cant afford too much more wacky scandals (yeah it can but anyways)
you're selling yourself short man. With a press secretary such as yourself we can afford many many more sandals. We probably need a few more so you can hone your craft a little bit before the campaign really heats up. The FLA issue is that there is a certain stormwater engineer that may be at the bottom of a stormwater pond fairly soon.

you're selling yourself short man. With a press secretary such as yourself we can afford many many more sandals. We probably need a few more so you can hone your craft a little bit before the campaign really heats up. The FLA issue is that there is a certain stormwater engineer that may be at the bottom of a stormwater pond fairly soon.
oh right, the suddenly structural expert stormwater engineer. I'm trying to 'out' him already (he is somebody in this room type of thing). They do wear sandals alot down in FLA.

remember, just cuz a story's been spun to cover up a (your in this case) scandal, doesnt mean it actually truthfully happened ;)

but you WILL marry that woman. . .whatcha do w/ her after that is up to you, though tribal custom has some kind of crazy 'endurance' thing between the groom and all the elder tribeswomen or something

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but you WILL marry that woman. . .whatcha do w/ her after that is up to you, though tribal custom has some kind of crazy 'endurance' thing between the groom and all the elder tribeswomen or something

I don't think my wife and kids are going to take kindly to that Inuit woman. Sorry man, no marriage here. You jumped the gun on this one by assuming she was pregnant and that I was the father so you'll have to come up with something else.

but my source was the 'net. . .how can that be wrong?! :brickwall:

but my source was the 'net. . .how can that be wrong?! :brickwall:

Happens to the best of us. I really don't think we need a press release at this time. Now I am trying to get the prime minister or whatever the hell they call the leader of this ******** to impregnate an Inuit woman so I can use it as blackmail. I will need you to coordinate the "leak" of this to the public.

You jumped the gun on this one by assuming she was pregnant and that I was the father so you'll have to come up with something else.
This sounds remarkably similar to what another Carolina politician said while running for president.

Happens to the best of us. I really don't think we need a press release at this time. Now I am trying to get the prime minister or whatever the hell they call the leader of this ******** to impregnate an Inuit woman so I can use it as blackmail. I will need you to coordinate the "leak" of this to the public.
I'm really beginning to doubt your abilities to start a war. Oh well. I have some SSBN's at my disposal. i'll just do it myself.


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