me too! It's really hard not to open it though.I'm gonna watch tonight without the commercials. I gotta stay out of this thread today...
me too! It's really hard not to open it though.I'm gonna watch tonight without the commercials. I gotta stay out of this thread today...
I don't know if it's my favorite, but I do like the Seabrooke. I think they played up the conflict between the young captain and the crew during king season a little too much. If the show just had cameramen following the guys as they did their jobs, it would be a much better show. Once you get producers involved, it all goes downhill.My favorite boat this year is probably the Seabrooke. Good numbers, little nonsense and drama.
^seabrooke hasn't been on the show long enough to sell out yet. he definitely saved the processors @ss for king crab season. Finished his own then went back out to make up for the lack of performance on the Show ships.I liked be able to watch without the commercials so much, that despite not having class on Tuesdays anymore, I still just tape it and watch the next day or on the weekend. Planning to watch tonight.
Wonder how the new Cornelia skipper will fare. Josh I like, but he was in a tough spot with Jake being on drugs. Jake is a petulant, entitled little whiner.
My favorite boat this year is probably the Seabrooke. Good numbers, little nonsense and drama.
I think there mistake was trying to fish blue king crab, they should have stuck to red king crab. Not catching the "elusive" blue crab turned the crew against the new captain. Had the captain had a few seasons of good fishing under his belt not catching blue crab wouldn't have been as big an issue.Cornealia marie should have just sat out king season...still way to soon. Too elusive of a catch (Blue king) for a first and very emotional season back after the loss of phil.
I don't think they showed the Cornelia Marie once in last night's episode. That was odd.lots of medical/injuries this season...or they are just editing it to draw our attention to it.