Just watched this weeks episode. Agreed.Jake Harris is a douche-nozzle
Just watched this weeks episode. Agreed.Jake Harris is a douche-nozzle
What did he do now?Just watched this weeks episode. Agreed.Jake Harris is a douche-nozzle
The Cap'n found drug paraphernalia in the engine room, and confronted Jake with it. Jake denied that the stuff was his, and agreed to be drug tested when they got back to port. Before the ship was even fully docked, Jake jumped off of the ship, hopped a cab to the airport, and booked a flight home. The Cap'n sent a police officer after Jake, but the officer couldn't do anything since Jake had nothing incriminating on him at the time. He also refused to take the drug test once they got back to shore.What did he do now?Just watched this weeks episode. Agreed.Jake Harris is a douche-nozzle
Exactly what I think too. Derrick seems like a good guy, but you had to think he knew he was done on the boat when he called the cops. He should have handled it himself instead of pulling a pussy move like that....Derrick couldn't find crab and that is the only reason things got ugly. If they had full pots coming over the rail, noone would've complained. This includes the captain. He wouldn't have been worrying so much about a little weed smoking if things were busy.