Corona Spam Thread??

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I think some people thought I was joking. I am VERY serious. My schedule has been MUCH crazier since all this started. More hours at work, more family responsibilities at home. I really need to just sit on someone's beach for multiple days.
I don't know that anyone took it as a joke. I'm right there with you.

Once this thing is over and I'm going to need at least a week of roasting on the sundeck double-fisting pina coladas.

back to the office june 8th! - sort of happy and sort of sad at the same time....

My work has a "pilot" group back. Testing the new safety policies and developing training.

People start going back in July in phases, starting with people who will gain the most productivity. I'm probably going to be one of the last groups to go back, so I'm probably home through August, maybe September.

Slow spam.

Tbh i hate the painted rock nonsense since they end up in protected areas (I carried one off of Katahdin which is a conservation area) but around town and in others gardens, its cute ish


@LyceeFruit PE, I thought painted rocks were only supposed to stay in your garden?  Is this like the people whose 'art' I used to have to disassemble, where they'd stack the rocks into precarious formations, which was ultra bad for the surrounding environment?
i've seen/read that in your personal garden and places like the library and such are the suggested locations.

they also suggest local parks & trails which i'm torn on. like a paved bike path in town (like the paths along the Charles in Boston) ok sure but sitting next the bodies of water in Central Park or a more rural trail system (that's still town owned/operated), i don't feel good about. 

And yes, one should not make rogue cairns since cairns are carefully built to guide hikers in alpine areas, particularly in bad weather. and rogue cairns can cause folks to go off trail and get injured. plus in some areas (white mountains), you would be disturbing fragile & protect alpine plants. 

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