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I already envision a bunch of extended weekends this summer.

I'm not saying that I'm getting burned out, I'm quite far from it, but I need some extended periods to decompression outside my current work location.
True dat.  I'm getting ultra excited to travel and see family in July.  I just...need to be able to decompress and actually see people who are not from Indiana/not co-workers.

I'm hiking this weekend. I'm staying within Maine and staying under 2500ft of elevation [we still have snow & rotting monorails >3000ft]

I barely hiked all of 2019 due to the PE. And then I was sick/injured half of the winter & boyf was traveling for work so I couldn't go (Moo).

And then pandemic.

I was planning on hiking & backpacking a lot in 2020. 

I'm going to also find some smaller mountains to take Moo, get her hiking legs so maybe we can go backpacking this fall?

I just got a 3p tent [I hammock] 

I'm hiking this weekend. I'm staying within Maine and staying under 2500ft of elevation [we still have snow & rotting monorails >3000ft]

I barely hiked all of 2019 due to the PE. And then I was sick/injured half of the winter & boyf was traveling for work so I couldn't go (Moo).

And then pandemic.

I was planning on hiking & backpacking a lot in 2020. 

I'm going to also find some smaller mountains to take Moo, get her hiking legs so maybe we can go backpacking this fall?

I just got a 3p tent [I hammock] 
I went for a quick hike last night about 90 min, I was kinda gassed during wasn't overly steep. Try to do some more this weekend. Weather has been miserable for most of the last two months. Get one nice day, then a week of garbage.

On track for having third coolest May since they started keeping records.  Most of the rest of top 10 was in late 1800s which was abnormally cold

I went for a quick hike last night about 90 min, I was kinda gassed during wasn't overly steep. Try to do some more this weekend. Weather has been miserable for most of the last two months. Get one nice day, then a week of garbage.

On track for having third coolest May since they started keeping records.  Most of the rest of top 10 was in late 1800s which was abnormally cold
Boooo thats definitely garbage.

Maine is finally warming up. We got snow 3 weeks ago. And today is gonna be humid AF. 

I could use a vacation. I really need some time to sit around with nothing to do.
I think some people thought I was joking. I am VERY serious. My schedule has been MUCH crazier since all this started. More hours at work, more family responsibilities at home. I really need to just sit on someone's beach for multiple days.

I think some people thought I was joking. I am VERY serious. My schedule has been MUCH crazier since all this started. More hours at work, more family responsibilities at home. I really need to just sit on someone's beach for multiple days.
Nah, I knew you weren't joking.  I have a bunch of friends who, as they transitioned to working from home, were slammed with nonsense related to the covid stuff.  Plus their SO seems to think that because they're home, they can help (since it seems like other people that are home...didn't have as much to do?), which isn't the case with them at all.

I have a vacation planned for July.  I have worked through all of this.  I am so excited to see a beach, even if I will burn horribly at it.

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