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I do believe a switch to metric is workable, and frankly I have no idea why it hasn't been done here. In terms of everyday things like kilometers instead of miles when driving in the car, we'd probably have to have double signage for a few years until folks get used to the new numbers. As an engineer I find metric/SI units to be much easier to work with than English units, but I also went to school not long ago and most of our coursework used SI units predominantly or exclusively (the prof's choice). I got very used to working in SI so it was a bit surprising to get into industry and discover that our company still uses English units in North America.
How do I say this without it coming out as a slam ...

I am not sure a switch is so workable in the country where you are lucky to get 1-in-4 REGISTERED VOTERS out to vote or can get most people to pay attention to something longer than a 2 minute news blurb about anything of significance.

Otherwise, I generally agree with your points. :)


JR, I must agree. The 30-second sound-bite attention span of most Americans would make the change almost impossiable. Hell, we can not even get people to use a 1$ coin.


I have a dollar coin and neither the vending machines nor the merchants want it.

Probably need to specify specialized drs and powerful lawyers as not all drs and layers get paid very well.

A valid point, I guess an engineer working in a large firm would be akin to a doctor in an HMO network; or an attorney who is an associate.

If you are an engineer in "private pratice", You probally also have significant overhead expenses, just like our medical and legal friends.


There is a section of I-19 between Tucson, AZ and Nogales, AZ (on the Mexican border) that was signed in km rather than miles when it was built in the 1970's. They have finally given up and are resigning it in miles.

As for engineering vs. doctor/lawyer salaries. . . I personally don't begrudge them making more since they have to go to school a lot longer. Between school, internship and residency, how many years is a doctor out of the regular workforce, like 10 years? While accumulating debt the entire time.

Back to the ole SI-English debate.

As an HVAC guy, it's a pain in the ass to deal with SI units for flow. To me anyway. Half the people want it in cubic meters per second, and the other half in liter/sec.

That's all. Carry on.

Liter is not an SI unit.
Right... a liter is just another name for a cubic decimeter. And it's not exactly rocket science to convert from liters to cubic meters in your head.

Forget base 10... Base 60 is where it's at!

Right... a liter is just another name for a cubic decimeter. And it's not exactly rocket science to convert from liters to cubic meters in your head.
Forget base 10... Base 60 is where it's at!
Well hump me running.

Thanks, I'll crawl back to my hole now.

There is a section of I-19 between Tucson, AZ and Nogales, AZ (on the Mexican border) that was signed in km rather than miles when it was built in the 1970's. They have finally given up and are resigning it in miles.
We have a stretch if I-265 that is in the same boat...except they haven't changed the signs yet. Even though they put the signage in dual metric/English, they still put the signs in even miles from the exits (so all the signs say 1.6km (1 mile)).

I'm too old to even think about that. Well, maybe not too old to think, but ...

I haven't done any :leghump: as of late, but I have left some pretty good impressions!! :D


You are NEVER too old to think or do anything! :)


Is the couch okay?

(sorry...couldn't resist :) )
Nope .. I can dish it and take it just as well! :D

Actually ... the reference is based on 'impressions' I had left after first dates at the end of the date. I tend to have a slight issue with a physiological response if the kiss is a bit more than a peck. :oops: :eek:hmy:

