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How did a discussion about our profession turn into a discussion about humping???!!!??

I dunno, conversing about JR's priapism, a serious medical condition, is pretty scintillating :joke:

Nope .. I can dish it and take it just as well! :D
Actually ... the reference is based on 'impressions' I had left after first dates at the end of the date. I tend to have a slight issue with a physiological response if the kiss is a bit more than a peck. :oops: :eek:hmy:

Well, he broke the subject w/ mention of his 1st date boners - i just seeked a more clinical term ;)

Well, he broke the subject w/ mention of his 1st date boners - i just seeked a more clinical term ;)
I thought his "impression" comment was related to the "ankle biter" emoticon-thingy... and I just assumed it meant he was a "biter", especially when deep kissing.

I need a new hobby...

Don't you go cheating on EB w/ a new hobby now. . . that's just crazy talk

JR, totally just razzing ya on your 'pup-tent' issues (oops i did it again. . .)

Are you new here?
Yeah .. my thoughts exactly! :laugh:

I had to look that one up... I didn't know JR was taking Viagra - who knew?!?
:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:

No need for viagra, cialis, or any other 'enhancements'! :D

I thought his "impression" comment was related to the "ankle biter" emoticon-thingy... and I just assumed it meant he was a "biter", especially when deep kissing.
I need a new hobby...
That's a leg humper! :p

The comment was more aligned with the thought of a sudden rise in spirits with the more passionate kisses - no dry humping though, just a poke. :)

No new hobbies that take you away from spamming EB !!

JR, totally just razzing ya on your 'pup-tent' issues (oops i did it again. . .)
It's totally cool ... actually pretty damned funny when it gets down to it it ...

:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


okay, fine, I'll get back on topic...

I think that for a legitimate rule to happen where you can only be called engineer if you're actually an engineer (licensed, graduate, whatever) it would take all of the state boards coming together and cooperating. I just don't see that happening very soon. It would need a pretty big national push and that national push right now seems more focused on teh BS+30. Perhaps a BS+30 means it would be easier to gain more respect, but I don't know.

I started this a while back, and the topic did wander a bit. I would just like the State Board to tighten up on the language in the Texas State Act and do some enforcing. Proper titles, that is all I ask.


If you want some good debate, someone should invite GT ME over to this thread. I have no doubt he has some ideas.....

Obviously he/she is the only person that should hold the title of engineer.
Well.... that goes without saying. I was hoping he/she could cast a few sprinkles of knowledge, the dandruff, if you will, off that ginormous, egotistical head down to the lowly masses.....
