Casio FX-570ES in FE exam ? ( same as FX-115ES)

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I have an FX-570ES calculator which is identical in looks & functions with the FX-115ES. FX-570ES is sold in Asian countries, while FX-115ES is sold in north US.

The thing that makes me wonder is if the boards know this fact and if they would allow 570ES in the exam ?

Just curious but do they have extra spares to lend to exam takers in case they reject my 570ES ? I am not sure if I should take the risk since I don't really want to buy another while I already have one.

Thanks guys.

You can only use the calculators from the NCEES approved list. No they do not have extra's to lend (at least in TN they didn't when I sat)

I would buy one from the list. I think the FX-115 ES is $20 or so. Not a deal breaker for sure.

No haven't seen the 570 ES BUT have seen the proctor's take away several calculators because people don't follow the list.

See the link:

Good luck

Amazon has it for $14 shipped if you have Prime..cheapest I seen..getting one myself

No. Get the CASIO Fx-991ex Classwiz. Same thing as 570, but it has solar power incase your battery dies during the test. Unlike the 115, conversions and constants work without the cover, and can solve 4 equations with 4 unknowns.