Tank Ass
Albino American cheese.
Agreed here as well except I use skim. Only for cereal and cooking, not a milk drinker.2% organic. I only have it with cereal or use it in cooking. If I buy regular milk I don't go thru it fast enough. I've tried the almond milk. Bleh.
Krak you may want to reconsider your offer to visit. That could be a bit awkward.Silk chocolate almond milk light is the mad notes. I'd take a bath in that stuff.
I like them both...but cheese is usually not a issues food in our house...we all seem to hate the same kinds. minisnick got to try feta at my cousins wedding and hated it so that makes can one consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!?
They do bring all the boys to the yard.Milkshakes, anyone?
She just prefers the creaminess...Isn't anyone going to comment about Mrs. Dex picking through Dex's nuts and tossing them out? :wacko:
What difference does it make? It's all gross. Whether or not there is food coloring in can one consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!?
American cheese is nasty.What difference does it make? It's all gross. Whether or not there is food coloring in can one consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!?
American "cheese" is nothing of the sort. It is "pasturized cheese product" and can't legally be labeled simply as "cheese."uke:
Quoted for archival. I did not, in any way, shape, or form, alter these posts. If they do not accurately reflect what was posted previously, it is because those posts were edited.American cheese is the best stuff ever. And I'm ghey. :ghey:What difference does it make? It's all good. Whether or not there is food coloring in it. Oh, and I like to do that cha-cha like a little can one not consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!? I'd put it in a cup and share it with Krak!
+1American cheese is nasty.What difference does it make? It's all gross. Whether or not there is food coloring in can one consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!?
American "cheese" is nothing of the sort. It is "pasturized cheese product" and can't legally be labeled simply as "cheese."uke:
LOL, nice.Quoted for archival. I did not, in any way, shape, or form, alter these posts. If they do not accurately reflect what was posted previously, it is because those posts were edited.
Swiss cheese, being European, is clearly superior.American cheese is nasty.What difference does it make? It's all gross. Whether or not there is food coloring in can one consume ORANGE American cheese?!?!?
American "cheese" is nothing of the sort. It is "pasturized cheese product" and can't legally be labeled simply as "cheese."uke: