Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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Two things
1. Chik-Fil-A sandwich >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other fast food chain chicken sandwich. How anyone could say otherwise baffles me.

2. Chik-Fil-A chicken nuggest are all breast meat, not the ground up beaks and feathers that other fast food chain chicken nuggets are made of.
1. I can think of offerings from both Wendy's and McDonald's that I would put on par, if not above, Chick-Fil-A.

2. McDonald's nuggets are larger and taste better, pure and simple. I don't care if Chick-Fil-A's chickens are DD cups and McDonald's puts raccoon gizzards in theirs, taste is taste.

That aside, I'm having some nasty chicken sandwich today and a piece of Little Caesars pizza.

Two things
1. Chik-Fil-A sandwich >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other fast food chain chicken sandwich. How anyone could say otherwise baffles me.

2. Chik-Fil-A chicken nuggest are all breast meat, not the ground up beaks and feathers that other fast food chain chicken nuggets are made of.
1. I can think of offerings from both Wendy's and McDonald's that I would put on par, if not above, Chick-Fil-A.

2. McDonald's nuggets are larger and taste better, pure and simple. I don't care if Chick-Fil-A's chickens are DD cups and McDonald's puts raccoon gizzards in theirs, taste is taste.

That aside, I'm having some nasty chicken sandwich today and a piece of Little Caesars pizza.
You must have no taste buds if you find anything that McDonald's sells appealing. :puke:

1. I can think of offerings from both Wendy's and McDonald's that I would put on par, if not above, Chick-Fil-A.
Ummm...the soggy chicken offerings from those two places are unpalateable.

2. McDonald's nuggets are larger and taste better, pure and simple. I don't care if Chick-Fil-A's chickens are DD cups and McDonald's puts raccoon gizzards in theirs, taste is taste.
I ate McDonald's Chicken McNuggets once in my life, back in the summer of 1985. I had to spit it out. God knows what part of the chicken it was, but it was horrible.

I think Chik-Fil-A is a southern thing. Northeners just don't seem to find the taste any different.

1. I can think of offerings from both Wendy's and McDonald's that I would put on par, if not above, Chick-Fil-A.
Ummm...the soggy chicken offerings from those two places are unpalateable.

2. McDonald's nuggets are larger and taste better, pure and simple. I don't care if Chick-Fil-A's chickens are DD cups and McDonald's puts raccoon gizzards in theirs, taste is taste.
I ate McDonald's Chicken McNuggets once in my life, back in the summer of 1985. I had to spit it out. God knows what part of the chicken it was, but it was horrible.

I think Chik-Fil-A is a southern thing. Northeners just don't seem to find the taste any different.
mcdonalds changed their nugget meat a few years ago. now it is supposed all white meat.

mcdonalds changed their nugget meat a few years ago. now it is supposed all white meat.
As bad as my experience was, it doesn't matter. I'm not about to be taken in again.
mcdonalds nuggets are 1 of 2 my fav things from there. Although I liked the taste of the older nuggets better. Big macs are my other fav.

As someone who worked in a fast food place while in high school, I advise people to avoid the chicken nuggets no matter what establishment you are dining in.

God knows what part of the chicken it was, but it was horrible.
I think we've covered that......beaks and feathers.

Actually, here's a gross story for lunch. One of the wastewater plants that I worked on in Athens, GA, had chicken processors as part of its service area. When they were processing chicken that influent BOD went to 700 mg/L (which is off the charts high for organic loading) and the clarifiers would have chopped up beaks and feathers floating with the scum.

Yummy. Hope you enjoy your lunch.

The Big Macs are smaller, just like the Whopper is a fraction of it's former self. The Whopper used to be the size of your head.

I quit fast food 3 years ago, and I used to have fast food for lunch every day. Now the smell of fast food is disgusting.

Can't tell you the last time I had fast food. At least the McD's, Chick-fil-A, Bur King, Taco Bail, etc...

I can tell you that the wifey-wife and I each got a Blizzard from Dairy Queen on the way home from Gulf Shores about 5 years ago.

JR, nice to hear from you man. How's it going with the new job/wife/state? I guess it isn't so new anymore.
Well, let's see ...

Mrs JR is doing fine though she is in Florida now. I told her she ought to take a few weeks to spend with family and friends while I am working longer hours to get through some regulatory hoops.

The new job is very challenging and I really do like it despite the drawback of longer hours. Most of all, I like that I can be a force of change rather than just another paper pusher.

The new state is awesome - I <3 Michigan! Really ... I just wish I could get out a little more often.

New house and numerous upgrades/remodels is pretty awesome too. :)

Finally - two new pooches are pretty good too. They are down in Florida with Mrs. JR though, so it has been a lonely few weeks. They will be back after Labor Day weekend, so not much longer. :)



Talk about a gut bomb!! Apparently this comes from "Friendly’s" and it is a grilled cheeseburger melt.

Has anyone had this?
