Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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not lunch but dinner - Wife's away in Detroit all day....hmmm.....what might I proffer for supper?

problem solved! :woot:

^ I know, its so bad for you I can only ever steal my chances when wife is out 'o town! I'm like a kid on tv dinner nite! for some reason that was always really cool...

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I have a great Chicken Masala recipe that I have made a few times, and my whole family likes my naan. I cook it on a pizza stone in a 500 degree's the closest I can get to a tandor.

today its a hot pocket unless my class gets out intime to go out for mexican with the unit and a visiting former coworker.

I am thinking about what's for lunch today too - I have been on the road so much that it has been lots of fast food. I am thinking maybe something from Panera today.


what's a chick fil-a?
an over-rated fast food chicken place

I may end up going to a tradeshow later this morning, where lunch is included. My boss called out sick so someone is going in his place, which may be me.

If I don't go, the lunch situation is hazy at best.

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what's a chick fil-a?
an over-rated fast food chicken place
You bite your tongue. Chik-fil-A is awesome.
It is overrated. Their sandwiches are OK, not any better than the other chain places. Their nuggets stink. I just went because the vendor was buying. Milkshakes and waffle fries are OK, though.
Chick-fil-a is the most consistent fast food chain I have ever come across. Can you find better? Yes, but I have never been to a bad Chick-fil-a. I can not say the same about other fast food chains. It seems that when it comes to other fast food chains for every exemplary location their is an equally awful location out there somewhere. I have never had that experience with Chick-fil-a. Their restaurants are always clean, their food is always good, and they have some of the best service for a fast food chain I have ever encountered. Can you find better options? Probably, but if I'm on the road and I see a Chick-fil-a I stop there b/c I know I won't be disappointed.

Two things

1. Chik-Fil-A sandwich >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other fast food chain chicken sandwich. How anyone could say otherwise baffles me.

2. Chik-Fil-A chicken nuggest are all breast meat, not the ground up beaks and feathers that other fast food chain chicken nuggets are made of.
