Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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Ham, salami, and cheese sammich on white bread, Cheezits, Crunch bar and diet Code Red.
what kind of cheese?

white bread...i don't buy it very often because the loaves are so big. Mr snick wont touch the stuff, so it would be just me. But for me PB&J and grilled cheese require white bread.
Kraft American singles. Pretty much I eat most of the white bread for sammiches or for toast in the a.m.

Ham, salami, and cheese sammich on white bread, Cheezits, Crunch bar and diet Code Red.
what kind of cheese?

white bread...i don't buy it very often because the loaves are so big. Mr snick wont touch the stuff, so it would be just me. But for me PB&J and grilled cheese require white bread.
Kraft American singles. Pretty much I eat most of the white bread for sammiches or for toast in the a.m.
Aren't the "Kraft American Singles" the individually wrapped slices? I believe the package identifies it as "pastuerized-processed cheese food product". I don't call that "cheese". that's American cheese.

PB&J...maybe spice it up today by putting chips on it for some crunch.

I need to remember to make one of those for lunch tomorrow.

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Pork chop, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes and pasta salad, all left over from the weekend.

I guess no one cares about my lunch. I had a chicken salad sandwich, an apple, and a protein shake... and no, not the gross kind... sickos.

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just read an article about the missing "donut burger" from the IL state fair concessions. cheeseburger with bacon slapped btwn two krispy creme donuts. The lady couldn't find a krispy creme supplier to deliver to the fair, so they didn't end up selling them this week.

She didn't realize springfield is home to melocreme next yr it will be the melocreme donut burger.

