Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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What, you mean you didn't have PB&J??
No, not on Thursday. I had to go out of town to witness a pump teardown and rebuild. I have a company CC so I splurged on a foot long S&C, 2 cookies, and a Diet Coke.

Oh yeah, today I had about a gallon of water and a chicken sandwich. Been working in the attic all morning and I'm going back for more in a few minutes.

Leftover pizza today. Italian sausage, pork sausage, red onion, and tomato slices.

I ordered a #2 off the roach coach. In here, it was advertised as a cheeseburger. What I got was a chicken salad sandwich, luke warm, that tasted entirely like tartar sauce. It's going to rip me a new one.

I ordered a #2 off the roach coach. In here, it was advertised as a cheeseburger. What I got was a chicken salad sandwich, luke warm, that tasted entirely like tartar sauce. It's going to rip me a new one.
i don't like chicken salad sandwiches...would have taken it back to het the correct thing.

My wife made chili this past week. I was like... chili in July???

But it was a nice change, can't wait for lunch.

I have some leftover Baja Citrus chicken breast and a side of broccoli for lunch. This is bad news for everyone in the office, because I've already been getting stabbing gas pains from something this morning.
