Basement Finishing thread...

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last night I had two boards I needed to finish that had been bugging me, on the first nail the nailgun blew the nail straight through the 2x4 and into a water line, causing a damn mess... luckily it was to a guest bathroom so I was able to just cap the line but the 5 minutes I thought it would take will now be an hour or so to repair.... such is life I guess

I think Google Sketch-up might be what you are thinking of. I guy I went to college with works for Google in Boulder, and they just released a new version.
I'll have to check that one out.

The one I'm thinking of is Home 3D or something like that. It is on one floppy so there isn't much to it. I'm trying to remember if you can find it online somewhere.

yeah I owe ya'll some pics..

plumbing is all roughed in, tub is in, electrical is mostly in. I will try and get some pics tonight, I may actually be ready to start putting sheetrock on the ceiling this weekend if I get time..

I had to put up a new wall in the bathroom and found out when I set it I am out 1.5 inches.. very annoying I measured at least 5 times,, its the wall behind the tub so I hate to move it,, think anyone (but me) will notice 1.5 inches out of whack? all the walls or level, I must have just bumped it when I nailed it to the floor or something...

yeah I owe ya'll some pics..
plumbing is all roughed in, tub is in, electrical is mostly in. I will try and get some pics tonight, I may actually be ready to start putting sheetrock on the ceiling this weekend if I get time..

I had to put up a new wall in the bathroom and found out when I set it I am out 1.5 inches.. very annoying I measured at least 5 times,, its the wall behind the tub so I hate to move it,, think anyone (but me) will notice 1.5 inches out of whack? all the walls or level, I must have just bumped it when I nailed it to the floor or something...
I hate stuff like that. When I built my deck, I cut the Trex to the length I needed, but it's about 1/2" short. Bugs the hell out of me, but no one else knows. Plus, I was able to hide it by putting some planters that I built on top of it. Is it worth the aggravation to pull the wall out and re-set? I don't know. Is it going to throw you off on the rest of the project?

i've got some busted pieces of sheetrock and i was going to put a test peice of sheetrock on the ceiling and see how it looks, I wouldnt have even noticed it but for the bathroom instead of building the ceiling piece meal (one 2X4 at a time) I framed it out on the floor and then nailed it up and then I was like...... ****.....................

I found a plumber who agreed to let me work with him and save me a few bucks and learn some stuff too, it was actually pretty neat.

I ended up jackhammering the floor to move the toilet drain, havent filled the concrete in yet, but it was actually a lot of fun (& me doing it saved $250 bucks)

I know my wife would tell me that it's no big deal, but the fact I knew it was there and I had the chance to fix it would bug the **** out of me. I would fix it.

alright here are some pics, been a while, doesnt seem like muchh has progressed but mainly been working on plumbing and electrical, and finishing out the ceiling framing(PIA)

picture of my trey ceiling work and the can lights I put in earlier this week


here is where the bar is going, havent decided on cabinets yet..


here is my bar "design" since the custome cabinets at lowes and home depot were about $4500 were going with some off the shelf stuff from Builders Supply or maybe even Ikea..


its hard to get a decent shot of the bathroom but this kind of shows it (& yes I am a sloppy worker)


here is my pride and joy! the big hole i jack-hammered in the basement to move the toilet...


I hope I get time to finish out the ceiling frameout and put some rock on this weekend...

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Aren't you supposed to drywall the ceiling first so that the wall drywall helps to hold it up over time? That's what the DIY channel told me anyway.

The plumber is coming today to give me a quote on the installation of a full bathroom rough-in in the basement. Right now, it will just be the drains and maybe the vents. I will decide later if I want him to run the water pipes for me once I get the stud walls up.

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yeah your supposed to do the ceiling first, in the one room the sheetrock was already there, previous owner was going to do a drop ceiling.

I had to sheetrock around the tub to get it set with the green sheetrock

Okay, so I am not submitting a different thread, and the people who might know about it are reading here...... I am planning on building my house with "TF Forms" which are an integrated concrete form (ICF). Has anyone used these or seen them in construction?

Yeah, so I've been implementing my basement refinishing plan over the last month or so. I had my plumber rough in a full bathroom, then I wired up some can lights, some buddies and I framed the whole thing in 13 hours on a Saturday, I finished the rest of the electrical by myself, my mom and I insulated the whole thing, and the plumber came back to run the water pipes and set the tub/shower surround. The drywallers started hanging drywall today.

That's where the real fun began... Turns out that they missed a floor joist by about an eighth inch, and nicked a copper pipe. If it were a water line, my plumber would have come out and patched it for a six-pack or something. Turns out it was the refrigerant return line for the air conditioner. All 8 lbs of R-22 leaked out. It's going to cost about $370 to patch the line and re-charge the system. The drywaller is going to eat the cost (splitting it between him and the guy he contracted to hang it). I may kick in some to cover his overages since he is cutting me a deal on the whole drywall project (since I fronted him some money when he was slow this winter). It sucks that such a simple mistake can cause that much damage.

When I was growing up, we had basements, but the first house I ever lived in had a coal cellar.

When I was growing up, we had basements, but the first house I ever lived in had a coal cellar.
It must have been really cool when you first got electric lights, huh?

I'm sorry Mary, I couldn't resist. I think you know, you and I are about the same age.
