well i spent most of the weekend working on a "test room" for the ceiling frameout, much more of a pain in the ass than I expected. I have a small backroom that I was able to tryout my mad framing skills on before getting to the larger rooms...
I found that 2X2's are just to flimsy to use so went with 2X4's. Also after digging through several bins of 2X4X14's at Home Depot and Lowes trying to find straight ones I ended up getting 2X4X8's and just nailing them together, it was incredibly impossible to find the longer lenghts straight enough to do the task. The 2X6X14's were straight enough but just not worth the hassle to carry around..
I bought one of those cheaper spinning laser levels (maybe the more expensive ones are better but it was very flimsy and I really dont think it was anymore accurate than just using a regular level and a tape measure) so I ended up just measuring down from the floor joists and using a 4' level. I must have spent several un-needed hours trying to get the bubble
exactly perfect, then I went upstairs and laid the level on parts of my existing ceiling and realized that its not perfect either (& not noticeable) still trying to get it fairly "perfect" but I am probably going to wish I had subbed this out (but I need to save the money for extra bar features

I hate starting a project because thats all I can think about is working on it and getting it finished, today at lunch I was pondering... hmm if I go home at lunch I can probably complete 2 or 3 more ceiling joists......
what i really dread is cutting out the holes for the electrical boxes and light fixtures, I always end up screwing those up....