Strip to your skivy's, take a bar of soap and enjoy the run. It is even better if during a deluge that is causing evacuations & flooding of your neighborhood.
Will the neighborhood watch actually catch the drunk wandering down the road, or should I go offer the fella another round?
Tell them if they don't pick them up you will burn the toys in a huge bon fire on Christmas Eve sending a signal to Santa that naughty children live within and to go on to the next house.
How do I get rid of all the packing paper in my house?
The dog will come flying out of nowhere, snatch the bread off the cat ripping all of the cats hair out and angering the cat beyond belief so that the cat will not only is the cat going to land on it's feet (because the bread isn't attached any more)... it's going to proceed to launch itself at the happy dog that is eating the hairy buttered bread.
what should I do with the broken elliptical that I forgot to put out with the bulky pick up?