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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
When I took the Electrical PE exam in April '06, the results arrived on 14 June. I was expecting to receive something in the mailbox today for the Civil WR exam I took this past April. Alas, skunked again.

Anyone have any insights as to the status of the results? We're an ELSES state, so I thought they might have been here by now.

As an aside, when I when to the subdivision mailbox to check today, the car radio was playing the Kinks song with the refrain, "I'm so tired/tired of waiting/tired of waiting for you". I deemed that to be a harbinger, but to no avail.

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When I took the Electrical PE exam in April '06, the results arrived on 14 June. I was expecting to receive something in the mailbox today for the Civil WR exam I took this past April. Alas, skunked again.
Anyone have any insights as to the status of the results? We're an ELSES state, so I thought they might have been here by now.

As an aside, when I when to the subdivision mailbox to check today, the car radio was playing the Kinks song with the refrain, "I'm so tired/tired of waiting/tired of waiting for you". I deemed that to be a harbinger, but to no avail.
Timmy, I contacted the BTR yesterday and got the following response:

"We should be receiving the results soon and my director will be the one entering the results into our database, however, she will be out of the office until Monday."

So who knows. Does ELSES send directly, or does it have to go through the AZ BTR first?

On the BTR site it says that they're sent to the state, then mailed out. What am I missing?

Last year my PE exam results were postmarked from ELSES in South Carolina on 12 June, and I received them on 14 June.

It may be set up such that both the examinees and the BTR receive separate notification from ELSES.

Last year my PE exam results were postmarked from ELSES in South Carolina on 12 June, and I received them on 14 June.
It may be set up such that both the examinees and the BTR receive separate notification from ELSES.

I see - thx for the info. Good luck this time around...

Just wondering how you handle two totally different areas like Elctical and Civil WR?

I worked in Environmental area for 6 years before I got into graduate school for a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. I just passed PE exam in Environ this April. I am thinking if I should give PE in ME a shot. But don't know how much this could help in future?

Could you give me any adivce?

When I took the Electrical PE exam in April '06, the results arrived on 14 June. I was expecting to receive something in the mailbox today for the Civil WR exam I took this past April. Alas, skunked again.
Anyone have any insights as to the status of the results? We're an ELSES state, so I thought they might have been here by now.

As an aside, when I when to the subdivision mailbox to check today, the car radio was playing the Kinks song with the refrain, "I'm so tired/tired of waiting/tired of waiting for you". I deemed that to be a harbinger, but to no avail.
I called ELSES, and they are mailing the scores from SC to examinees in AZ today. Looks like Mon or Tues at the earliest. Unless the AZ BTR updates their database first.


I took the bumpy road. As a junior in high school, I began working for the local City Engineering Department part-time. Upon graduation, I was hired full-time and I did Civil for 19 years. At age 37, I decided I wanted to study EE so I quit my Civil job and graduated in EE at age 40. I passed the EE PE exam in April of 2006 at age 51 (third try, first attempt under the new format--failed in 1999 and 2000).

Arizona handles licensure in the discipline-specific manner, and they have no college degree requirements to take the test (in fact, you don't even need to graduate from high school). All you need is design experience under the supervision of a PE, so I thought I'd give the Civil exam a try. Grading and drainage is really a hot thing here in Phoenix, so I thought that if I got a Civil license I could do stuff like that out of the house.

Looking forward to another stressful weekend...I should pick up some JD on the way home tonight.

I'm with you Timmy! If I passed my EE, I'm off to get my AE stamp...12 years of architectural experience and all reference letters ready to go.


The EE PE license makes the mortgage payment. I did the Water Resources exam just to see if I could pass. If I failed this time, at least I know I CAN pass it as I was not overwhelmed. By the way, I do think it's unfair that EEs make a substantially higher salary than CEs [well, at least here in Phoenix]. Engineering school for any discipline is a bear!

The really odd thing is that I got into EE because I like math [plus, as I show my age, I got interested in vacuum-tube electronics--my stereo system has two mono RCA tube amps circa 1945]. However, I have always been interested in open-channel flow. When I was five years old, I'd take a shovel outside to clean the gutters in front of our house so the water would flow better; the bad news being that I would take the accumulated debris in my wagon and dump it into the nearest catch basin.

The EE PE license makes the mortgage payment. I did the Water Resources exam just to see if I could pass. If I failed this time, at least I know I CAN pass it as I was not overwhelmed. By the way, I do think it's unfair that EEs make a substantially higher salary than CEs [well, at least here in Phoenix]. Engineering school for any discipline is a bear!

The really odd thing is that I got into EE because I like math [plus, as I show my age, I got interested in vacuum-tube electronics--my stereo system has two mono RCA tube amps circa 1945]. However, I have always been interested in open-channel flow. When I was five years old, I'd take a shovel outside to clean the gutters in front of our house so the water would flow better; the bad news being that I would take the accumulated debris in my wagon and dump it into the nearest catch basin.

If SC is sending out AZ's results today (as ENGR7 says), I wonder if there is a random list generated to determine the mailing order for states. Last year AZ received results first, this year who knows. Bottom line, all tests must be graded before any results are released... so, a random mailing list may keep Clemson's outgoing mail service from becoming overwhelmed. Their population is only 15,000 large (about the same number of Circle K's we have here in Phoenix). Any thoughts on this?

If SC is sending out AZ's results today (as ENGR7 says), I wonder if there is a random list generated to determine the mailing order for states. Last year AZ received results first, this year who knows. Bottom line, all tests must be graded before any results are released... so, a random mailing list may keep Clemson's outgoing mail service from becoming overwhelmed. Their population is only 15,000 large (about the same number of Circle K's we have here in Phoenix). Any thoughts on this?
Interesting thought about the random list. That thought never crossed my mind--I just assumed there must be some process behind all this. I doubt it has anything to do with the mail system though. I'm not a USPS expert, but I believe all non-local mail gets sent to a regional sorting facility. Time to do some research.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Michigan results today. . .

I called ELSES, and they are mailing the scores from SC to examinees in AZ today. Looks like Mon or Tues at the earliest. Unless the AZ BTR updates their database first.
Can anyone tell me how one can check their PE exam status on the BTR website? I could locate only a way based on last names and registration number. If we pass, are they going to add our names to the list of registrants inspite of not having actually registered but only passed the P.E exam?

Can anyone tell me how one can check their PE exam status on the BTR website? I could locate only a way based on last names and registration number. If we pass, are they going to add our names to the list of registrants inspite of not having actually registered but only passed the P.E exam?
I don't think there's any way to check your exam status or results on the AZ BTR site. You can only check who is actually registered. You will only be "Registered" upon a complete application, references, and passing exam score. I think if your application is not complete you'll find your results in your mailbox, not the website.

Failed to pass muster on the first go-around on the Civil WR exam.


Env = 63%

Geo = 63%

Str = 63%

Trans = 50%

WR = 50%

Hydraulics = 46%

Hydrology = 57%

Water Treatment = 50%

Env = 40%

Geo = 50%

No overall fail score included. I have no idea as to how many I got correct.

Time to lock and reload for October. If it was easy, anybody could do it!!!

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Thanks, Sapper.

I estimate that I got 46 out of 80 overall, for a 58%, with a 27/40 in the AM and 19/40 in the PM sessions. I thought I fared better in the PM than what I actually received.
