April 2021 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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What was the crowd consensus on the October 2020 test? Does anyone know what the highest failed score reported here was? Just wondering... 😅
What was the crowd consensus on the October 2020 test? Does anyone know what the highest failed score reported here was? Just wondering... 😅
We've covered this topic before. Cut scores vary between discipline and each exam session. The only guarantee to pass is 70%, which is 56/80
We've covered this topic before. Cut scores vary between discipline and each exam session. The only guarantee to pass is 70%, which is 56/80
Yeah I knew the 70% thing. I took the October structural test and failed. Was just wondering what the highest failing score posted here was. Didn't feel like reading 77 pages of Welcome to the suck to find out lol Sorry i asked!
We've covered this topic before. Cut scores vary between discipline and each exam session. The only guarantee to pass is 70%, which is 56/80
That's not necessarily guaranteed.
FWIW, we've seen a 56/80 fail a couple times. We've also seen possible cut scores in the high 40s or 50. There's no way to predict it. And even if one knew the cut score ahead of time, they wouldn't know how they did on the exam. Too many unknowns in that equation to solve it. My advice is to not dwell on it.
70% is probably a passing score most of the time, but that's not guaranteed. That misconception comes from the adjusted scores provided by Texas, where NCEES sets whatever the cut score is to 70% and normalizes the provided scores to that arbitrary percentage.
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Yeah I knew the 70% thing. I took the October structural test and failed. Was just wondering what the highest failing score posted here was.

Not many people posted their fail scores last December. You can browse them on one page here:

Certainly not enough to draw firm conclusions on the cut score for any exam that session.

Didn't feel like reading 77 pages of Welcome to the suck to find out lol
Yeah I wouldn't recommend that. While there is lots of good info in those threads, there is also a lot of negativity.

The WttS might be nice nostalgia a few years after one passes though.
While I also have not viewed 77 pages of WTTS, I think it is safe to say we all hope around 70% is the threshold for a passing score, roughly 56 +/-. However, say it is actually a bit higher, if the case, I do not think it is by much. It seems in my browsing of the Engineer Boards for a few years now, have not seen a failing score in the 60s? I think like 58 or 59 is the highest, I cannot recall seeing 60? Is that the consensus in regards to the highest ever seen cut scores? As 60 correct (i.e. 75%) for sure seems safe and I, like everyone, hope it is not quite that high but more around 56. Overall, I think RBHedge PE is for sure correct when saying we do not have enough info "to draw firm conclusions on the cut score for any exam that session." Whatever the case, I just wonder if a 60/80 cut score has ever been seen? As if not, that gives some hope for between 56-59 at the cut.
And yes by guess is NCEES will wait until Friday, May 28th to release the results. You know, just before the Memorial Day weekend to either spoil one's weekend or make it a great one. I think this Friday, May 21st is still a bit early and by bet is the 28th.
All this talk of cut scores creeping up... now we're talking about 60... tomorrow you're lucky to pass with a 63... before you know it, it's next Friday and if you missed one single question you might as well jump in a lake.

I don't want to rattle my numbness but this is a good way to do it.
While I also have not viewed 77 pages of WTTS, I think it is safe to say we all hope around 70% is the threshold for a passing score, roughly 56 +/-. However, say it is actually a bit higher, if the case, I do not think it is by much. It seems in my browsing of the Engineer Boards for a few years now, have not seen a failing score in the 60s? I think like 58 or 59 is the highest, I cannot recall seeing 60? ...
Just wonder if a 60/80 cut score has ever been seen? As if not, that gives some hope for between 56-59 at the cut.
In the last 8 years the highest failing score reported on this board has been a 56.

I am only referring to 80-question P&P PE exams. I am not tracking any CBT exams, SE, the older 85-question Envr exam, or the old open-answer PE exams.

You know, just before the Memorial Day weekend to either spoil one's weekend or make it a great one.

IIRC, I think it has come out just before Memorial Day weekend in the past? I could be wrong.
Yeah I knew the 70% thing. I took the October structural test and failed. Was just wondering what the highest failing score posted here was. Didn't feel like reading 77 pages of Welcome to the suck to find out lol Sorry i asked!
No worries man, I’m sorry for being a jerk about it. It’s just we always read questions about cut scores that it gets a little tiring after a while.
Like yourself I also took Civil Structural last October and failed. Hoping this is finally the one that breaks the curse!
No worries man, I’m sorry for being a jerk about it. It’s just we always read questions about cut scores that it gets a little tiring after a while.
Like yourself I also took Civil Structural last October and failed. Hoping this is finally the one that breaks the curse!
No hard feelings lol I didn't mean to rattle anyone's cage. It was just a question. I figured people on this forum had way more information on that topic than i did. I hope you passed this time!. And me! I hope I passed too 😅
My one response to the survey "please make your practice WRE depth problems harder and require 10 mins each to accurately reflect the difficulty of the April exam"
I asked that they update the practice problems because they haven't changed in years. I also asked that they try to change up the breadth problems for each book to make it worth the cost. $40 is a lot of money for a bunch of tests with the same 40 questions.
Yes hopefully the 25% right percentage (for pure guessing) holds as I think my AM was decent as I only guessed on about 4 questions and they were not wild guesses. So the most optimistic way I have thought to look at it by feeling confident I could have got 30-32 correct in the AM. The Water Resources PM was a different matter as I ran out of time at the end and had to wild guess on 6-8 questions in the last 5 minutes. So thinking that around a 70% score (not scaled) is the magic percentage in my mind (i.e. around 56 +/-). I assume at least 57 correct to be safe. Okay, feeling pretty good about 32 correct in the AM (as being feasible), that only leaves needing to get 25 correct in the PM to reach the promised land of 57. I feel comfortable in assuming I could have got 1/2 or 20 questions correct in the PM; an admittedly weak performance if the case but just assuming it as a realistic and kind of worst case scenario. So just for the sake of argument, if I purely guessed on the last 20 questions by odds alone I would hope for 5 correct answers; bringing me to 25 correct in the PM and 57 overall; although an element of luck may change this up or down a bit. Anyhow, that fact (in my mind) that one could possibly wild guess on 20 PM questions and still have a chance, gives me hope. As I only randomly guessed on about 6-8., felt strong around 20 questions and about 10 I think could go either way; as they were either educated guesses by ruling some outlier answers out or getting an answer (of the ones available) but just scared could have fell for an NCEES trap or distractor as they are so good at.

In any case, that is the most positive way I can think of my chances, a strong AM (around 32) helping outweigh a lackluster PM where one could literally maybe only get 20/40 correct and still possibly have a chance, even if wildly guessing on 1/2 the exam. My thinking here may be off track and incorrect, but it makes me feel better about my odds and I am sure of at least 20 PM correct, at least in my mind. Now obviously is the AM is not as strong, the PM performance needs to pickup the slack. I am probably thinking way too much into this, but cannot help myself. The best of luck to everyone during the roughly midway point of "Welcome to the Suck!" being 3 weeks out tomorrow.
the mental gymnastics. i hope you passed.
I signed up for PMP during the waiting period and haven't been here too many times. I tried working out, house projects and family time and so far another cert. study worked the best for me.
I'm doing something similar. I'm working on an industry specific cert. Requires a lot of reading. Gives me something else to focus on. That and life... I had a wonderful birthday party yesterday. I didn't think about the exam at all for at least 12 hours.