I think I over-studied the morning session material. Looking back on it, I was preparing for the morning topics like I had to take the depth exam for each topic. I was rigorously going through the CERM studying for water/geo/soils/ SoM, and then drilling the Lindeburg practice problems. And the morning questions are not like that at all. I started to realize that with a month to go when I started taking practice exams, especially the NCEES practice exams, and getting a feel for the problems.
The afternoon material was easier for me to study. I'm a structural designer with work consisting of steel design, existing concrete structure analysis, and aluminum design (unrelated to the PE). I took timber design during college, which really helped prepare me for the wood questions. Totally lost on masonry....never took a class on it in college....tried my best to learn the topic and affiliated codes.....but I knew I didn't stand much of a chance lol. So I didn't have to review these topics a whole lot, I just drilled the depth practice exams (probably ended taking 4-5 depth practice exams; ~200 problems) to get used to problems and jumping around the different codes. And similar to the morning session, most of the actual problems were much easier than the practice problems on the actual test.
Main Study Materials:
Lindeburg: CERM, Practice Problems, Practice Exams
NCEES: PE Civil Engineer Structural Practice Exam, FE Reference Handbook
Six Minute Solutions: Transportation, Geotech, Structural
I highly recommend the six minute solutions for depth studying, those questions were pretty close to what were in the actual thing. The lindeburg stuff was way tougher and more in depth then what was on the actual test, so i guess it was good practice....but it kinda wears one down. Think I'd recommend a review course or something for the morning session, I think that would have been helpful looking back on it....cus as I mention above I ended up going way too deep into the breadth topics.
Hope this helps, best of luck in October! You got this!!