April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I got some insight on the results release from a reliable source. Since May is a 3 pay period month, NCEES will release the results on May 30th. That way if you fail, youll receive a paycheck without benefits taken out to lessen the blow. They're really considerate this go round.
Some pretty airtight logic there. Everyone mark your calendars.

Remember to also check your states licensee roster constantly.
Don't bother looking at state license lookup sites until AFTER the initial release.

What??? i gotta read up on this lol
You can read through the whole thread, but this link goes to the first relevant post:


This is one of the reasons why I say it takes longer to get results in PA.

Yes you failed. The conspiracy theorists are correct.

Here is where I found that information lol. Googled it to make sure I wasn't full of it and couldn't find anything but was able to find mentioning of it on this board somewhere.
see the first post in this thread.

results will come early this round, as they are pushing to transition to CBT.
Alright. Going into cryo until then. Wake me up when its time, and NOT a second earlier lol

Waiting is taking too long, and work isn't helping pass the time. It only serves to make the wait EVEN longer...

The transition is going on for the next 5 years though.

I think what he means is that as the exams are transitioning there will be less and less paper exams to grade. No large exams (power, mechanical, civil) have been transitioned yet however I think four exams have been so that takes away several hundred exams from the paper based grading.  Logically it makes sense that it would go a little quicker.  

I think what he means is that as the exams are transitioning there will be less and less paper exams to grade. No large exams (power, mechanical, civil) have been transitioned yet however I think four exams have been so that takes away several hundred exams from the paper based grading.  Logically it makes sense that it would go a little quicker.  
It's weird hearing that power is a large exam lol

Since at my site, there's only ever been 2-4 of us (I've taken it a few times)

A few hours after you learned that you failed....

That's a dark place man, you don't want to go there
But you have to remember you will fade to nothing then.

I think what he means is that as the exams are transitioning there will be less and less paper exams to grade. No large exams (power, mechanical, civil) have been transitioned yet however I think four exams have been so that takes away several hundred exams from the paper based grading.  Logically it makes sense that it would go a little quicker.  
Large exams do you mean the one that break people down mentally?

Alright. Going into cryo until then. Wake me up when its time, and NOT a second earlier lol

Waiting is taking too long, and work isn't helping pass the time. It only serves to make the wait EVEN longer...
OK will do!

Everyone please don't tag @23and1 until the results come out! It'll only stress out @23and1 if you tag before then.

I think what he means is that as the exams are transitioning there will be less and less paper exams to grade. No large exams (power, mechanical, civil) have been transitioned yet however I think four exams have been so that takes away several hundred exams from the paper based grading.  Logically it makes sense that it would go a little quicker.  
I'm not so sure about that. I suspect that the actual grading of the scantrons happens pretty quickly. But there's a lot of overhead activities associated with the release of the results, many of which occur in parallel for each exam. There are probably certain activities that can't be shortened.

OTOH, its the smaller exams that probably have the longer schedule hits because they are mostly evaluated by part time volunteers on an ad hoc basis.

Large exams do you mean the one that break people down mentally?
Well yes... but no.

The larger tests are the ones with several hundred+ takers per session. The major discipline exams like CE, ME and to a lesser extent PE:power and EnvE. They tend to have large standing committees, regular staff, lots of resources, reviewers, sample sizes.

The smaller exams mentally break people harder and faster.

Luckily I have a really busy next few weeks to get me through this. Game of Thrones, Avengers Endgame, family events, Dallas Comic Con...just to name a few lol


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