April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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Took the ME MMD.  Pretty much the same as everyone else.  Feel really good about the morning section but some of the afternoon questions - no way they could have been done in 6 minutes.  Plus I'm sure I started freaking out about time and made stupid mistakes in the afternoon.  So we'll see.

There were not any new exams this session.
Hmmmmm so does that mean some of us should be expecting our results back around May 6-10th?  I saw that results often came back in the 30-35 day range on past exams, I'm assuming that was when there weren't any new exams?

haha, I feel like I'm already starting to freak out. I need a vacation stat!!! It's been extremely difficult to get back in the grove at work. I have so many deadlines but I just can't focus!
Same here. I had two projects pop up with a deadline of next Thursday and I'm like 😅

Was the question on the AM you thought had multiple possible answers, a question with multiple statements given and then asking you which of those statements were true?
No not that one. The question I am referring to needed more information to determine which answer would be most appropriate. I used my best judgment and I think I may have gotten it correct but it should not have been on the exam in my opinion (or worded differently). There was one other that I think could have had 2 correct answers based on the info provided. 

I will express my concerns in the survey I received this morning. :)  

I just recently took PE Civil Transportation for the 3rd time

I think I’m at phase 2.  I was more confident with morning than the afternoon.  And I’m already predicting result timeframe.

i think the thing that bothered me the most was this test taker next to me talking over codes out loud.
Haa, totally relate to a bothering neighbor. The guy next to me hit his calculator so hard ,every time he picked it up like he was going to break it :)!!

Haa, totally relate to a bothering neighbor. The guy next to me hit his calculator so hard ,every time he picked it up like he was going to break it :)!!
Girl next to me was eating pretzels and stuff the entire test. The crunching and the bag rustling was getting old, fast.

No not that one. The question I am referring to needed more information to determine which answer would be most appropriate. I used my best judgment and I think I may have gotten it correct but it should not have been on the exam in my opinion (or worded differently). There was one other that I think could have had 2 correct answers based on the info provided. 

I will express my concerns in the survey I received this morning. :)  
are you talking about the one where a dimension was missing?  Or maybe it wasn't and I just didn't know how to do it without that dimension 😕 I ended up scaling what they gave us and just used that number, it ended up being really close to one of the answers so I dunno.

Right? I mean I was forcing myself to eat lunch and breakfast I was so nervous. How can you eat all throughout both sessions AND a lunch?

Girl next to me was eating pretzels and stuff the entire test. The crunching and the bag rustling was getting old, fast.
When I took the PE exam, I had a girl behind me eating ice...it gets annoying very quickly.

Any repeat takers confirm the 56 year was harder than the 52 year? I guess I will be able to contribute when Texas gives me my score.
A higher cut score is indicative of an easier exam.

Measuring relative exam difficulty amongst examinees isn't easily quantifiable.

Hmmmmm so does that mean some of us should be expecting our results back around May 6-10th?  I saw that results often came back in the 30-35 day range on past exams, I'm assuming that was when there weren't any new exams?
Previous april exams released after 34-upper-forty days. Interpret that however you will. But do consider if May 6-10 fits in the historic range.

Got the NCEES survey email this morning as well.


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