April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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My original guess was May 16 because 41 days seems to be the magic number in my mind. But really I will take any date between now and then.

Why are you so sure that @RBHeadge PE will agree with that statement? 
Let me check my magic eight ball:


Its about noon right now here in the EST.  Leftover fried fish for lunch is still good.

because he seems like a logical guy. And i doubt he will question the statistical data we have on the amount of days surpassed from the day of exam to get the exam results
If I go based only on the past numbers and the stats then yeah: I would expect in the next week. I mentioned on Wednesday that I'm a probabilistic guy, so the fat part of the probability curve is next week, where 'expect' is defined as >50% during a given time frame. HOWEVER none of this would preclude a 1.5+ sigma event from delaying things further. There are too many unknown unknowns for me to feel confident in saying: "it'll definitely happen on [arbitrary day next week]".

Us monte carlo guys are really good at predicting things when n is large and the system can be treated probabalistically. But predictions of one-off deterministic events require parsed language and caveats.

I haven't resorted to blankly staring at the screen hitting F5 while the drool drips down my face and ruins my keyboard; however, the question just passed through my mind wondering if anyone has ever been successful with the F5 tactic?

Meaning- has anyone actually refreshed the page and the "Results Pending" actually changed to something substantial on their NCEES dashboard?

Or is it considered one of the "Futile Exercises" for the obvious reason that NO ONE has ever done it?

I haven't resorted to blankly staring at the screen hitting F5 while the drool drips down my face and ruins my keyboard; 

Meaning- has anyone actually refreshed the page and the "Results Pending" actually changed to something substantial on their NCEES dashboard?
Yes, F5ing has frequently shown the result prior to the email in the past. It's most effective after the initial release.

You should probably blow off steam in the spam thread.
