A large chunk of the exam was out of left field. It's reflected in the pass rates this time around. The pass rate was 54% which is 3% lower than the April 2018 exam. I failed too and it was my first time. However, I seemed to score higher for a failing grade than most so that's a positive sign.Texas here. 2nd attempt. Failed with a 48/80. Feel bummed at the moment.
I utilized NCEES practice exam, Zachs course, Eng pro guides and was really doing well on all the practice exams and homework averaging the 80's. I did not feel that this exam was reflective of my knowledge base and substantially increased in difficulty from Oct 17 Exam. I received the exact same score in Oct 17 but I know that my knowledge base has substantially improved.
I will have to find a way to improve moving forward. The problem is that I honestly don't know what to do different or how to improve. A chunk of the exam questions seemed so out of left field, the study materials will not prep you for them.
Here's to things improving moving forward.
At the moment, I feel the same way. Very directionless. I don't know which way to turn. Most of my reference and study materials did not help me during the exam. I relied mostly on general knowledge that I've accumulated during studying and tried to apply it to the exam for the questions out of left field.