A simple poll to see how out of touch I have been ...

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Do you know what they are without Googling it??

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I REALLY am glad that I am not in the dating thing. I'm comfortable being old and married. :)

^You and me both. Best thing I ever did. Hard to believe she's put up with me for almost ten years.

I REALLY am glad that I am not in the dating thing. I'm comfortable being old and married. :)
Well ... if anything it is an adjustment. I am not used to the hot-and-cold routine from somebody who supposedly 'likes' you.

Fortunately for me, I have a network of young ladies in the office who can and are willing to translate the cryptic messages for me. I was told the translation was that I am in and just need to be patient. :woot:

I am wondering though if I should be careful what I wish for ....


I REALLY am glad that I am not in the dating thing. I'm comfortable being old and married. :)
Sometimes things happen in people's lives that uproot & turn things all topsy-turvy, above & beyond their ability to control it or even understand it. I'm thinking your proclamation (though i do concur) isn't very much supporting in JR's post-marriage adjustments - I know its the last sentiment i wanted to hear when i went thru mine, REALLY.

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Sometimes things happen in people's lives that uproot & turn things all topsy-turvy, above & beyond their ability to control it or even understand it. I'm thinking your proclamation (though i do concur) isn't very much supporting in JR's post-marriage adjustments - I know its the last sentiment i wanted to hear when i went thru mine, REALLY.

No need to be upset. There is nothing wrong with being old.

If she responded to you without you initiating the conversation, you're in. If you initiate and she replies, could go either way- she's trying to to blow you off too fast or she's actually replying. Better to let her do it anyway so you don't get the creepy stalker reputation.

No need to be upset. There is nothing wrong with being old.
Not upset - just think it's akin to the gainfully employed proclaiming how they REALLY are glad to not have to be hitting the pavement, going thru interviews, to someone who is unemployed (if this analogy works?) Its an offered opinion, no harm intended i'm sure, but maybe not really sensitive to someone else's struggle is all i'm saying.

Now i gots to go & break my hip (clap off)

I'm glad to be married, partly because I could almost never get a date when I was single. It sounds like JR has got several options right out of the chute, so good on him.

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...and that's why I keep texting back "could you send that again"
yeah .. until 2 AM .. :wacko:

I'm thinking your proclamation (though i do concur) isn't very much supporting in JR's post-marriage adjustments - I know its the last sentiment i wanted to hear when i went thru mine, REALLY.
It's cool - mary and I have discussed these very issues a few times, she knows the score. :)

If she responded to you without you initiating the conversation, you're in. If you initiate and she replies, could go either way- she's trying to to blow you off too fast or she's actually replying. Better to let her do it anyway so you don't get the creepy stalker reputation.
Good points - I have let her initiate everything. I just don't understand the hot-and-cold routine ...

Besides, what am I suppose to think if you are texting me at 1 AM ??!! :p

I'm glad to be married, partly because I could almost never get a date when I was single. It sounds like JR has got several options right out of the chute, so good on him.
Actually, I have been rather surprised and shocked at how many options ARE available. I don't fancy myself as hip .. perhaps mildly amusing but I am a pretty plain, ordinary, what you see is what you get kinda guy. :true:

The other part of dating, at least for me, that is odd is that I work in an office where I am the 'baby' of the group - everyone else is 55+. I wouldn't feel very comfortable sharing much, if anything, with my coworkers. I have shared with a few of the office ladies that are younger .. but only to the extent that I have been seeking translations for statements/actions. So, that leaves the EB group to share with ...


I'm glad to be married, partly because I could almost never get a date when I was single. It sounds like JR has got several options right out of the chute, so good on him.
I am glad I am not dating too. Plus... you can't make someone love you, but you sure can stalk them to the point they have no other option than to marry you!!! (Running joke between my wife and I!)

I am glad I am not dating too. Plus... you can't make someone love you, but you sure can stalk them to the point they have no other option than to marry you!!! (Running joke between my wife and I!)
When my best friend was after his now wife, she actually had his cell number progammed in her phone under "stalker" :true:

^^^ That is too funny!!

Ms. Applebottom texted me at 3 AM last night. I am wondering who the REAL stalker is here ...

:Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


*sigh* ... yes, I did respond. :15:

I should probably indicate exactly what is up next time she texts me at that time of the morning ... :17:



I'm just curious why ANYONE would be up at 3AM, unless you are working the night shift.
Oh .. I guess I have only told a few people.

Ms. Applebottoms is a labor and delivery nurse. She works 7P - 7A. :)

^ I'm a real stick in the mud. I go to bed at 10-10:30 every night.
Booo .. Hiss !! You are NO fun!! :p

No wonder DVINNY hasn't added you to his IM list! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


Oh .. I guess I have only told a few people.Ms. Applebottoms is a labor and delivery nurse. She works 7P - 7A. :)

Well that at least takes her out of the party-girl-bar-fly-lookin-for-a-hook-up-after-last-call category. . . it was either that or that she was a stalker herself -

At 3 am, the only body in our house even registering a pulse at that hour is our fat cat. though he does have thumbs, he can't master the little keyboard (yet)
