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Our Marine is back home. He and his fiancee got in about 1:30 a.m. He's finally out of the MC and will be starting community college next week. Yay! :)

going through the Matrix trilogy on Blue Ray. First blueray movie I've seen, fantastic detail

I haven't taken the plunge on Blue Ray either. The movie schedule revolves around my son these days and I'm not too concerned about picture quality for the Wiggles DVDs.

Only one more payment on my car !! :woot:



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Good evening! I know I am the only one on-line now.... Oh well. My daughter's 13th birthday party is on-going. We're having a big Wii-fest in the living room right now.

Glad your Marine is home, Fluvial.

Good luck with the teenage daughter, Dleg. My younger one is still a teen-ager, but in college. Teen-age years are an experience.

I worked in the cold yesterday. It's COLD here. I was so tired last night. Better this morning.

Hope you're having a great time in Peru, ble.

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Teen-age years are an experience.

That is a polite way to put it. ;)

It's cold here too !! And things are crazy, with kids bringing stuff in, and taking stuff out, and getting the rent truck stuck in the yard, and borrowing my CRV to haul stuff. Whew! What a way to start the new year.

Sounds like you've got a busy day. I think I'm going to make a pot of chili.

Well, I haven't started the pot of chili yet. It will be ready by 5 or 6.

my wife does not allow me to eat chili. the aftermath does bad things to everyone's sinuses...

Silly ducks. Got up at 2:30 in the morning, waded through a half mile of 40 degree water that was 4 ft deep, get to my spot by 5 am, and those dagum birds decided to fly before shooting light. The near full moon and clear skies made for a really bright morning and I guess they decided to fly early. I froze my rear end off. Oh well, maybe next time.

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