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I'm glad you're in tomorrow. I need a good night's sleep before I get there.

Tomorrow's kind of dismal. Cloudy, rainy, bad mood at work..... Maybe 2010 will bring better times.

Just had some good sushi at lunch - spicy salmon rolls and salmon ngiri. Last lunch of 2009!

Just had some good sushi at lunch - spicy salmon rolls and salmon ngiri. Last lunch of 2009!

I woke up at 3 am and couldn't sleep. So now I am snacking. Heh.

Oh yeah, Happy New Year Dleg !!

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Yukky! I agree, I hope 2010 is better than 2009.
this whole decade (00 - 09 if you count it that way) has been horrible when you consider everything that has happened...

but hey, it gave us facebook & twitter :puke:

Back to moving. I just realized we don't have enough phones to make sure the new lines work in each office. So I have to go back downtown and get the rest of the phones, then come back to the new office and put all the computers back together. Comcast is coming between 10 and 12 this morning (or so they say).


Architecture Fail

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