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Time to start getting some real work done here... bastards give me work to do when I could be spamming all day...

what is it that Disney calls their "engineers"? Fungineers? Imaginieers?

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then why do they have different names?
So many questions, young one.

"muppet" is proprietary:

Technically, the only people who can use that name is The Muppets Studio (a part of the Walt Disney Company) as it’s a registered trademark. Henson invented the term to refer to his foam puppets, combining the word "marionette" with the word "puppet".

good Morning all.....I have absolutely NOTHING witty to say this morning. Of course I think that's a lot like most mornings! Good thing I'm not a syndicated talk show host....

ToP Count:

wilheldp_PE     22
roadwreck        9
Fluvial          5
Ble_PE           5
Dexman PE        4
Cement           4
Mary :)          3
Melanie11        3
Chucktown PE     3
EM_PS            3
Flyer PE         3
TranspoVA        2
santiagj         2
sshell PE        2
RoadGuy          1
snickerd3        1
Rudy             1
Dark Knight      1
NCcarguy         1
ElCid03          1
FLBuff PE        1

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