5 k thread fall 09 results version

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ToP Count:

wilheldp_PE     22
roadwreck        8
Fluvial          5
Ble_PE           5
Dexman PE        4
Cement           4
Mary :)          3
Melanie11        3
Chucktown PE     3
EM_PS            3
Flyer PE         3
TranspoVA        2
santiagj         2
sshell PE        2
RoadGuy          1
snickerd3        1
Rudy             1
Dark Knight      1
NCcarguy         1
ElCid03          1
FLBuff PE        1

I still say all the duplicates and non-conforming posts need to be deleted. That would make the ToP list completely different...

I think the precedent has been set. Early doubles don't mean anything when the wheels are spinning at the end.

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