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Any news on the job of tomorrow, Dleg?
My job? Yes, as a matter of fact - just got the final local approval yesterday. In another two months or so I should be putting on the shoulderboards of a Lt. Commander with the US Public Health Service - and starting a new 20 year career..... at age 42! And, assigned to the Pacific Islands (through EPA), working out of the same office. At least initially... And probably much too late to be deployed to Haiti.

This will get buried in here so I feel free to post about it "publicly" this one time.

The rat truck was nasty, BTW - live rats in there again. fresh poop all over the seats and floor. I really need to get that air gun now, but I will have to resort to traps again for the truck.

Any news on the job of tomorrow, Dleg?
My job? Yes, as a matter of fact - just got the final local approval yesterday. In another two months or so I should be putting on the shoulderboards of a Lt. Commander with the US Public Health Service - and starting a new 20 year career..... at age 42! And, assigned to the Pacific Islands (through EPA), working out of the same office. At least initially... And probably much too late to be deployed to Haiti.

This will get buried in here so I feel free to post about it "publicly" this one time.

The rat truck was nasty, BTW - live rats in there again. fresh poop all over the seats and floor. I really need to get that air gun now, but I will have to resort to traps again for the truck.
Congrats on the new job.

Packing sucks.

Any news on the job of tomorrow, Dleg?
My job? Yes, as a matter of fact - just got the final local approval yesterday. In another two months or so I should be putting on the shoulderboards of a Lt. Commander with the US Public Health Service - and starting a new 20 year career..... at age 42! And, assigned to the Pacific Islands (through EPA), working out of the same office. At least initially... And probably much too late to be deployed to Haiti.

This will get buried in here so I feel free to post about it "publicly" this one time.

The rat truck was nasty, BTW - live rats in there again. fresh poop all over the seats and floor. I really need to get that air gun now, but I will have to resort to traps again for the truck.
Congrats Dleg, but isn't is sort of frowned upon for Public Health Service personel to have rat problems? If you need me to make a trip over there with my Benjamin air rifle let me know.

Seriously though, why do you say a 20 year career? Is there a defined amount of time that you work for the Public Health Service?

It's one of the 7 uniformed services and follows the same pay and retirement system as the armed services - I have to put in 20 years to get anything in the way of retirement, but what I do get after 20 years is better than the regular civil service. Not to mention the active duty benefits during those 20 years. Out here, anyway, it's a great deal. And it allows me to continue doing what I really love to do, but with an even greater opportunity to serve. Honestly!

Yeah, I really need to take care of the rat problem. I was on the leptospirosis task force for a few years so I should be all over it, but I am failing...

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Congrats on the new job Dleg!! Being able to retire at 62 isn't too bad considering the way things have been going lately. It's always good to be able to do what you love though.

I get to walk away with what I have put into it for the past 11.5 years, plus my oilfield 401k money from the 90s. So I should be good to go at 62. Hopefully I will live long enough to enjoy it, but that's why I have as much fun as possible in case I don't make it that far.

Hubby could retire this year with 28 years if he wanted to. He's only 52. I'm jealous !!

Dude at the blueprint shop says P.E.s never retire. "As long as they can pick up that stamp, they're using it." ;)

My Dad retired at 52 from the Forest Service. I can barely even remember him working now. I can't imagine retiring so early.

Now he's become this hard-core libertarian who rants and raves about the expansion of the federal government. Oh well - at least I can best him by saying I work for an agency that's been around since Jefferson's time (1798). The Forest Service was nearly 100 years later. Of course, USPHS didn't have engineers until around that time, too. But that can be justified because people hadn't even figured out germs in Jefferson's day.

Based on some of the folks I've worked with, I'd agree with this statement.
Yep. Every time some engineer retires from a state agency here, there is a lot of courting done by the consultants to see who can woo him/her to their firm.

Now he's become this hard-core libertarian who rants and raves about the expansion of the federal government.
:blink: If hubby does that I will knock him in the head.

He is looking for another job to take after retirement. As he says, he's got to be able to "pay for his toys". :D

I'm drawing some avatars for another message board. I should go up to the office and finish fixing the file cabinets up, but my head & throat hurt this morning. Stupid cold.

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