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I just found out we got a $170k project!!! woohoo!!! now all I need to do is figure out how ONE PERSON can get that done in a month! short term excitement....but better than the alternative!
Congrats on getting the work!

We have a client that just asked us to do about 12 weeks worth of work with due date of March 1. I'm curious to see what our official response will be.

Damn it! Ever since they laid half of the staff off, there is no food to be found...
When I was in Engineering at the power plant, our secretary was always wondering who was pillaging her candy stash.

After I transferred to maintenance and started working midnights, I discovered who it was. The hours sucked but there was a lot of fun to be had working backshift.

Damn it! Ever since they laid half of the staff off, there is no food to be found...
When I was in Engineering at the power plant, our secretary was always wondering who was pillaging her candy stash.

After I transferred to maintenance and started working midnights, I discovered who it was. The hours sucked but there was a lot of fun to be had working backshift.
When I was working at a big engieering firm downtown, I knew a technician who kept a big ziplock bag full of Chex mix.

One day I caught one of the oh-so-important bridge engineers in the guy's cube, wolfing down the chex mix.

He didn't see me. It was all I could do not to bust out laughing.

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