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My firm isn't that strict about billable hours, but they also don't like you to artificially inflate the labor hours on your projects.

Luckily for me, the nuke plants are still spending money. It also looks like there's a little action starting on the fossil side again.

Anything good fossil-wise? Haven't heard of us placing or winning any bids on much as of late in regards to fossil work.

I am also helping to, ummm, write the department's manual for part of this week... yeah, uh huh, right....

Our offices are all really, really clean right now...

Luckily for me, the nuke plants are still spending money. It also looks like there's a little action starting on the fossil side again.

Anything good fossil-wise? Haven't heard of us placing or winning any bids on much as of late in regards to fossil work.
Nothing big. The stuff we do is mostly modifications to keep the older units running. We do smaller jobs that the larger companies can't make money on due to their overhead costs.

I am also helping to, ummm, write the department's manual for part of this week... yeah, uh huh, right....
Our offices are all really, really clean right now...
Now there's an idea. I could clean my desk up a little. But that would require physical effort, so that's a no!

I can't wait to finish up this stormwater permitting, get these contracts out the door, finish up these submittal reviews, finish this pump station design, and answer these RFIs. Then my desk should be really clean.

Luckily for me, the nuke plants are still spending money. It also looks like there's a little action starting on the fossil side again.

Anything good fossil-wise? Haven't heard of us placing or winning any bids on much as of late in regards to fossil work.
Nothing big. The stuff we do is mostly modifications to keep the older units running. We do smaller jobs that the larger companies can't make money on due to their overhead costs.
This is exactly why my company is having trouble getting work. There are too many overhead costs to compete on proposals.

Good morning from Fayetteville all! I'm working on 2-3 different items this morning, so all day may be billable!! that's a good thing since eventually I'll have to make a house payment!

Internet is running wacky here today..page not loading correctly...so it showed up as a double post...error error..Anyways seems to be back to normal for the time being

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